
Sleepcratic People's Republic of Uchikoshi

弥助関連史料とその英訳 / YASUKE in historical materials

! Probably you’ll find typos and wrong formats in the article right now, because it’s under rivision!



Introduction by the author


There is no way for us to know what the man's birth name was. He was dark-skinned, tall, and strong. This black man was brought to Japan, probably in 1579 (7th of Tensho)*3, by a Jesuit missionary Alessandro Valignano. Japan at that time was a warring arena of powerful rival warlords. The warlords became stronger by adding samurai of valor to their own vassals, and competed for power and honor. This period of chaotic civil war is known as the Sengoku era (the Warring States Period).*4 The black man met Oda Nobunaga, the most powerful warlord in entire Japan, and left his name in history. His name was Yasuke.


This article covers all the documents about Yasuke as far as I have been able to find. I will take citations from original documents, and basically only the parts directly related to Yasuke. For Japanese historical materials, I will show the original Japanese texts, their modern Japanese translations, and their English translations in a row. For European materials, I will show the original texts and their Japanese and English translations. Please note that some of English translations are made by me, who have no academic background, but who try as hard as I can with what little knowledge and English ability I have. Also please note that, as to European historical materials, all of my English translations are secondhand translation via Japanese translations, which are works of Japanese historians.


My footnotes describe important backgrounds on things that are not directly related to Yasuke or the historical materials per se. Also, throughout this article I will quote a number of historians' observations, but I will add some of my own speculations, too. Please be warned that the latter, like some of English translations, are coming from me, a non-academic.



I would like to thank Mihoko Oka, an associate professor of the Historiographical Institute at the University of Tokyo, for providing some of the original texts and many suggestions, such as which one of Japanese translations should I adopt here. I would also like to thank Ko Hasegawa, a translator, for helping me out reviewing my English.


Needless to say, I am the one responsible for any and all errors in this article.

How to contact me




I usually write this blog "Sleepcratic People's Republic of Uchikoshi" for my private records, which makes this article an exception. Please share me your thoughts, and let me know if you find any errors. My contact details are below. Basically, please contact me in the comment section.

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The Chronicle of Oda Nobunaga


Shincho-ki (literally, Nobunaga Chronicles; Shincho is another way of pronouncing the Kanji characters for Nobunaga) is a biography of Oda Nobunaga*7, the lord of Yasuke. It was written by Ota Gyuichi, one of Nobunaga’s vassals, after Nobunaga's demise using the memoranda Gyuichi made during his lord’s lifetime. Historians do not exactly consider it a primary source since it was completed several decades after Nobunaga's death, but they highly evaluate its credibility for the general accuracy of its descriptions and for the position of Gyuichi, one of the Oda clan's bureaucrats (吏僚 riryo).*8


Before we get into the text of Shincho-ki, a quick background summary from me. Nobunaga is undoubtedly the most famous Japanese warlord in the Sengoku period. In his youth, Nobunaga was called "a fool" because of his eccentric behavior, but he eventually rose to prominence with his military charisma. In the Battle of Okehazama in 1560 (3rd of Eiroku), he led only 3,000 soldiers and defeated 25,000 soldiers of the Imagawa clan army. Nobunaga was 27 years old at that time.


In 1568 (11th of Eiroku), Nobunaga, who became a powerful warlord, restored the Shogunate, whose authority had been a mere shell after the Onin war in the 15th century. However, his relationship with Shogun*10 Yoshiaki Ashikaga deteriorated, and as the result, Nobunaga became the enemy of almost all surrounding powers, which eventually led him to his breaking off with the Shogunate. Despite that, Nobunaga spent his entire life in war, destroyed most of his major enemies, and by 1581 (9th of Tensho), he become the strongest warlord who ruled the Kinai region (today's Kyoto City and surrounding areas).


The Society of Jesus aka Jesuits is a religious order of the Catholic Church that was formed in the early 16th century. In the period of the Protestant Reformation, they aimed at the revival of the Catholic Church, promoted higher education and carried out missionary work for non-Christians. The Society of Jesus had continued missionary work in Japan since Francis Xavier, a Jesuit missionary, first came to Japan in 1549 (18th of Tenbun).)), who engaged in missionary work in this country, saw an opportunity. A mission headed by Valignano, the Jesuit Visitador*13, departed northern Kyushu region to pay a visit to Nobunaga to strengthen their relationship, and came to Kyoto. On this day, Yasuke met his future lord.

Ikeda-hon, a autograph copy


There are 72 hand copies, so far as confirmed, of "Shincho-ki." Each one of them varies to some degree. Other than these copies, there are two existing autograph copies, both of which are in almost perfect condition. (Here, I mean by “autograph copy” the copies of “Shincho-ki” Gyuichi himself transcribed from his own manuscript, and by “hand copy” the ones someone other than Gyuichi transcribed from any of the autograph copies or hand copies. We usually call both kinds of copies just “copy” (“hon” in Japanese) for short, which will confuse you a bit but I will try to clearly distinguish them as far as I can.) One of the two is called the Ikeda copy (Ikeda = House Ikeda), and the other the Kenjin-jinja copy (jinja = shrine), respectively after the name of their owners. Historians often rely on these two autograph copies for ther study, but even the two are known to have subtle differences between them. In this section, let's look at the text of the Ikeda autograph copy, the full text of which we can read (or at least, view) on the Internet. Volume 14 has a record of the scene Yasuke had an audience with Nobunaga in 9th of Tensho.


池田家本『信長記 巻第十四』(岡山大学附属図書館所蔵)
Shincho-ki vol.14 (Ikeda-hon) (in the collection of the library of Okayama University)


榊山潤『現代語訳 信長公記(全)』P378*15
(Jun Sakakiyama, Gendaigo yaku Shincho Koki (zen), p. 378*16

On the 23rd of the Second month, a blackmoor came from the Kirishitan Country. He appeared to be twenty-six or twenty-seven years old. Black over his whole body, just like an ox, this man looked robust and had a good demeanor. What is more, his formidable strength surpassed that of ten men.*17 The Bateren brought him along by way of paying his respects to Nobunaga. Indeed, it was owing to Nobunaga's power and his glory that yet unheard-of treasures from the Three Countries and curiosities of this kind came to be seen here time and again, a blessing indeed.

(The Chronicle of Lord Nobunaga, Brill Academic Pub, 2011, 385P)*18


As we can see, Shincho-ki briefly but plainly records Yasuke's approximate age, how dark his skin was, and how powerful he was. Ota Gyuichi seems to be very surprised at his appearance. We have to consider two points when we read this kind of historical materials.


First, the date “the 23rd of the Second Month” means that of the old calendar system, which do not match with that of the Julian calendar system in European historical documents. “The old calendar system” means this: premodern Japanese people used the imperial era name (元号 gengo), which we often use even today, for the years; and the Senmyo calendar, which is a solar lunar calendar invented in China in the ninth century, for the dates. In this article, I will describe years and dates in both calender systems.


Second, though Gyuichi describes the age of Yasuke as 26 or 27, premodern Japanese people used the East Asian age reckoning, in which your age at the time of birth is one year old, and one year is added every New Year's Day. It means that in terms of our modern age system, Yasuke at that time seemed about 24 or 25 years old. That being said, in any historiclal period people would not be so good at guessing the age of foreign races from their appearances. Gyuichi's guess, too, might not be so accurate.

Sonkeikaku copy


Next, let's take a look at another version of "Shincho-ki." This time, one of its hand copies. It is called the Sonkeikaku copy, and known for its extra passages that we cannot find in any of the other copies. Its name came from Sonkeikaku-bunko (bunko = library or archive), which was a library belonged to the Maeda clan who ruled the Kaga Domain, the largest Domain [藩 han; Domain = a large unit of fief, roughly overlap with but a bit smaller than today’s prefecture] throughout the Edo period, meaning that it was a copy of “Shincho-ki” preserved in the collection of the library. Supposedly Ota Yazaemon Kazuhiro, the fourth generation descendant of Ota Gyuichi and a vassal of the Kaga Domain, transcribed the version of "Shincho-ki" handed down in his family and presented it to his lord in 1719 (4th of Kyoho).*20 We only know the name of the original copy, from which Hirokazu transcribed the Sonkeikaku copy, as "Izumi no kami henshu no Shincho-ki" (Izumi no kami = the official post of Gyuichi, henshu no = edited by), and possibly it was one of autograph copies or even the original manuscript itself, but we cannot confirm it anymore because it was lost in a fire that burned the Ota family's residence in 1759.


Not everyone can read the Sonkeikaku copy. Only reserchers who granted permission from Maeda Ikutokukai, the current manager of the Sonkeikaku-bunko collection, can access it. In this article, I’ll quotethe Sonkeikaku copy via Professor Hiraku Kaneko's book "Oda Nobunaga toiu rekishi." Below is one of such extra passages in the Sonkeikaku copy that appears in the scene of Yasuke’s first meeting with Nobunaga.


(cited from: Hiraku Kaneko, Oda Nobunaga toiu rekishi, p. 311)



On the 23rd of the Second Month, a black man came from a Christian country. The age of this man seemed to be perhaps around 26 or 27, and his whole body was black like an ox. Even at a glance his body was impressively of good build. What is more, he was so strong that he could beat ten people. Jesuit Padres brought him along, to thank Lord Nobunaga for his permission for their missionary work. Indeed, we know nothing comparable to Lord Nobunaga's power and glory, such that allows us to see so closely yet unheard-of treasures and curios people from the world, a blessing indeed.

And then, Nobunaga bestowed a stipend on this black man, gave the name Yasuke (弥助), a sword (鞘巻 sayamaki) with a gold-encrusted sheath, and even a private residence. He was sometimes seen in the role of Lord Nobunaga's weapon bearer.

(My English translation)


These pieces of information, in this extra passsage in the Sonkeikaku copy, is so important for us. So, let’s check them one by one. Stipend is a kind of salary given by a lord to his retainer (I’ll use “retainer” as a very broad term, not as a specific rank or post, for lack of a better word), and here it means that a homage was established between Nobunaga and Yasuke. However, stipend was given not only to warriors, but also to, for example, Noh actors who were employed as personal retainers of feudal lords, so stipend alone do not tell Yasuke’s status.


Next is the name Yasuke. It says that Nobunaga named him. The valets of the Jesuits were always Christians, so Yasuke must have had a Christian name, but Nobunaga seems nontheless to have given him a Japanese name. However, his surname is not mentioned, so apparently Yasuke did not have a surname. Bearing officially a surname had a great meaning in the Japanese social status system*22, and that limits the status of Yasuke to some degree. It is not that common people never had surnames, but it was a kind of privilege to be able to use them publicly and sign documents with it. It is also true, however, that there were people without a surname among the lowest-ranking "samurai" class, so it does not in itself mean Yasuke was not a samurai.


Next is the “decorated sword.”*24 This means that Nobunaga allowed Yasuke to wear a sword, so it means that Yasuke has joined the members of the warrior household (武家 buke). However, wearing a sword itself is not so special. At that time, even peasants and warrior household servants (武家奉公人 buke-houkounin) who were not combatants  armed themselves swords. But a crucial fact is Yasuke received a sword from his lord, since it had a important symbolic meaning.


Finally, the “private residence.” Usually, servants who did not count  as the warrior class could not live in a private residence. The servant class usually lived in an apartment house (長屋 nagaya: long house) , or were live-in workers in their lord’s residence. Japanese society at that time had a strict class system, and one’s name, residence, and clothes were determined by one’s class. When we considering these factors, Yasuke’s description here clearly shows that Nobunaga treated him as a retainer with a certain rank.*26


Other than these bestowed gifts, this passage also tells us Yasuke sometimes served Nobunaga as a “weapon bearer.” A weapon bearer was a post that carries the lord's weapon, usually a spear. In many cases, a lower-ranking servant called chugen (中間 mid-servant) played this role. However, mid-servants were not the only ones who served as a weapon bearer. High-ranking vassals called kinju (近習 adjutant) such as pages (小姓 kosho)*28, who served their lord in close distance, carried their lord's weapon and other luggages depending on the situation. This passage sais Yasuke “sometimes” served as a weapon bearer, so we at least it is clear Yasuke served Nobunaga in close distance.


Two historians, Yu Hirayama, the vice president of the Takeda Clan Study Society, and Yuichi Goza, an assistant professor at the International Research Center for Japanese Studies, concur in pointing out that Yasuke was clearly treated as a “samurai” according to this description. I would like to ask the reader’s attention here, though. I am pretty certain that their definitions of “samurai” would include not only so-called bushi (武士 japanese medieval warrior) but also a part of servants, that is, high-ranking servants in a warrior household who qualified as a combatant. This point would lead you to complicated but interesting arguments regarding what was “samurai” in the first place. If you are interested, see Appendix: Definition of "Samurai."

Discussion on reliability of Sonkeikaku copy

 しかしながらこの独自記事が尊経閣本にしか見られないことには留意する必要がある。尊経閣本の独自記事は信用できる情報源なのだろうか? まず重要な点は、太田家に伝わる『信長記』を牛一の子孫が書写したという伝来経緯である。太田牛一は日頃から覚書を残し、それらを集成する形で『信長記』の稿本を編纂した。そして他者の求めに応じて、都度その稿本を清書することで、配布用の自筆本を認めたと考えられている。史料学を専門とする歴史学者東京大学史料編纂所教授である金子拓氏は一寛が書写した原本『和泉守編輯之信長記』こそ、生前の牛一がかつて用いた稿本だったのではないかと考えている。

However, we should be a little careful here, though: we find this extra passage only in the Sonkeikaku copy. Are the extra passages in the Sonkeikaku copy, including this one, a reliable source of information? First of all, an important point is the processes of how this copy came to existance. An descendant of Gyuichi made this copy, and its original was a copy of Shincho-ki that had been handed down in the Ota family.  Ota Gyuichi supposedly made memoranda on daily basis, compiled the original manuscript of "Shincho-ki" from them, and published autograph copies by his own hands transcribing from the manuscript. Hiraku Kaneko, a historian specializing in historical materials and a professor at the Historiographical Institute of Tokyo University, surmises that "Izumi-no-kami Henshu no Shinchoki," from which Kazuhiro transcribed, might be none other than the original manuscript that Gyuichi himself used for publication. (Here “publication” means, I believe, something like today’s on-demand publication, meaning that Gyuichi made a new autograph copy whenever he needed one for someone.)


Professor Kaneko have conducted a comprehensive study of the copies of Shincho-ki, determined that it is a hand copy that preserves the contents of some earlier version of Gyuichi's manuscript, and highly evaluated its value as a historical material. He highlighted, a number of but mainly, three grounds: first, its legitimate history that its original had been handed down in generations in the Ota family as I have already explained; second, the fact it shares the common feature of the earlier copies that they refer to Tokugawa Ieyasu without a title of honor*30; and thirdly, the nature of its extra passages.


I have already mentioned that that Shincho-ki was a product of Ota Gyuichi’s compilation from his own memoranda. Professor Kaneko believes that these memoranda, or perhaps earlier versions of manuscript too, have recorded extremely trivial events. However, he believes, in the process of Gyuichi made a clean copies (autograph copies) from the completed manuscript, or in the process of someone other than Gyuichi made hand copies, such minor details might have been removed. In fact, we can find in the Sonkeikaku copy apparently insignificant details, such as on 13th of 2nd month in 3rd of Genki (1572), Nobunaga enjoyed a deer hunting excursion.*32


From this analysis of Professor Kaneko, we can say that the Sonkeikaku copy may be an extremely valuable copy that faithfully preserves the contents of Gyuichi's manuscript without deletion. If we adopt this theory, it means that the extra passage on Yasuke, too, tells us information faithfully preserved from the original manuscript Gyuichi himself completed.

Were extra passages added later?


However, there is an objection to Professor Kaneko’s theory. Professor Goza conjectures that the extra passages in the Sonkeikaku copy may be additions of later years, rather than survivors of elimination of the original trivialities. Professor Goza highlighted two passages from the Sokeikaku copy, which I will show you now. The underlined parts indicate the extra passages in the Sonkeikaku copy. (The [square brackets] in the Japanese text indicate the words present in the Ikeda copy but not in the Sonkeikaku copy.)


(cited from: Hiraku Kaneko, Oda Nobunaga toiu rekishi, p. 311)



On the seventh day of the siege, men came from the castle, bringing the severed head of their commander, and desperately pleaded with Hideyoshi to spare the lives of the surviving defenders, and made apologies. But Hideyoshi would not allow it, and forced them (the remnants of the enemy) to kill themselves. Immediately forwarding the Kōzuki castellan's head to Azuchi for Nobunaga to view, (Azuchi is the Oda clan's home castle town, in this context it means Hideyoshi proved his success by sending enemy leader’s head to Nobunaga).

(My English translation)


This part is in the 10th volume of Shincho-ki, and describes how Hideyoshi (then known as Hashiba Hideyoshi)*34 took Kozuki Castle in Harima Province in 1577. It tells us that the vessels of the castle lord cowardly offered, of all things, the head of their own castle lord pleading to spare the lives of the remnants of the castle. But, from what we gather from the description after this part, Hideyoshi “forcibly dragged out the enemy remnants to the last one of them” and “crucified them,” which indicates apparently he was not amused by the cowardly offering and did not allow their surrender anyway. This extra passage in the Sonkeikaku copy let us know the specific fact that Hideyoshi did not allow them to surrender. Let’s take a look at another extra passage.


(Hiraku Kaneko, Oda Nobunaga toiu rekishi, p. 311)



On the 28th of Fifth Month Akechi Mitsuhide returned to his castle at Kameyama in Tanba Province. On the other hand, Lord Nobunaga’s plan was to march to attack Chugoku, therefore, on the 29th of the Fifth Month, he left for Kyoto.

(My English translation)


This article in volume 15 describes the fact that, just before the Honnoji Incident, Nobunaga came to Kyoto from Azuchi (his home castle) in order to prepare the army  and to lead it himself to Chugoku region (the western tip of the main island in Japan).*36 Of course the autograph copies, too, describe the same fact that Nobunaga came to Kyoto, but the underlined part appears only in the Sonkeikaku copy.


When we look at these two extra passages, we notice that while they do not contradict the content of the autograph copies, they are not exactly so trivial. Professor Goza points out that we would struggle a bit to grasp the context without these extra passages, which help us to make sense of the lines before and after them. This argument of Professor Goza suggests the possibility that these passages unique to the Sonkeikaku copy might be addition of later years, whose intension was to provide the reader with the context, rather than surviving trivialities of elimination process.


If we adopt Professor Goza’s line of thought, Profesor Kaneko’s theory, that the extra passages of the Sokeikaku copy including Yasuke’s treatments are faithful to Gyuichi’s manuscript, would be shaken. I would also like to mention that Professor Kaneko, while he highly evaluate the general reliability of the Sokeikaku copy, expressed a reservation as to this particular passage pertaining Yasuke, but I defer this point until the section I will discuss Ietada Nikki.


Jesuit Documents in 1581


Next, we will look at records of Christian missionaries, in particular two letters of the Society of Jesus. Sometimes Jesuit documents contain misunderstandings of Japanese culture and mistranslations of Japanese language. On top of that, Luis Frois, a Jesuit missionary in Japan who was in a position to write up and send report letters to Europe, had the bad habit of exaggerating stories.*38 We, therefore, cannot fully rely on their descriptions. That being said, nevertheless, the Jesuits kept records from an outside, neutral standpoint, at least in the meaning that their agenda was different from the conflicts of interest within Japan. Historians have regarded these historical materials extremely valuable for the study on the Sengoku period.


I will use in this article the texts of Jesuit letters from "Cartas de Evora," a collection of letters from missionaries published in Lisbon in 1598. All of their Japanese translations (works of Japanese historians) I will quote in this article, too, are made from this "Cartas de Evora." However, we have to be aware that "Cartas de Evora" had edited original letters with deliberate intentions, and in fact, some parts are said to be quite different from the original letters. I really should have, in order to be truly accurate, checked out the original letters directly, but at the moment I do not have the means.

Frois's Letter of April 14, 1581


The first Jesuit letter I will show you is a letter written by Fróis on April 14, 1581, which tells us the unexpected course of events which ultimately led the black man, who seems to be Yasuke, to his first meeting with Nobunaga.

No mesmo Domingo de Ramos, nos partimos pera Vocayama & ao sair pola cidade de Sacay fora, avia infinidade de gente que estava esperando pollas ruas pera verem a extraordinaria estatura do Padre Visitador, & a cor de Cafre que hia comnosco, era tanta a gente, & tantos os fidalgos que com ser o Sacay tam livre com quanto a multidão da nossa gente não podia passar sem derrubarem algumas tendas polas ruas estreitas. Todavia não ouve falarem palavra desconcertada, fora do Sacay avia mais de trinta e cinco bestas dalbarda, & alguns trinta ou quarenta homens de carga pera o fato, & outros tantos cavalos pera os nossos, fizerão muita instancia que o cafre tambem cavalgasse, & cada passo nos saião por aquelles caminhos, acompanharão nos muitos fidalgos provedendo-nos de todas as cavalgaduras necessarias, & por aquelles caminhos saião muitos fidalgos a cavalo que vinhão a nosso encontro.

(cited from: Cartas de Evora『エヴォラ版日本書簡集』)


(Japanese translation from: Kiichi Matsuda, 16 - 17 seiki Iezusu kai nihon houkokusyo dai 3 ki dai 5 kan, p. 288)

On leaving the city of Sakai, countless people were waiting for us in the streets to see the extraordinary height of Padre Visitador and the (skin) color of the Cafre*40 who were accompanying us. Although Sakai was a very free (city), when our party passed through a narrow road, a large number of people and warriors gathered and caused destruction of several shops, but no one complained. When we left Sakai, there were more than thirty five packhorses, thirty to forty luggage carriers, and about the same number of riding horses, and they were very insistent that the Cafre should also ride on one. On every road people greeted us, and many gentries accompanied us to arrange the necessary riding horses. Many gentries who wanted to see us also came out to greet us from horseback.

(My English translation)


We can see from this letter that as they passed through Sakai, a free city near Kyoto, the rarity of the missionary group and Yasuke earned attention, and that many people gathered to see them. The description that Yasuke was recommended to ride a horse might imply he knew how to ride a horse. I guess from the context that the “noblemen” mentioned here were high-hanking vassals of warrior households, rather than court nobles (公家 kuge).(公家 kuge).*42

Logo à segunda feira, primeira oitava foi a gente tanta a nossa porta, por estar aqui
Nobunanga no Miaco, todos a ver o Cafre que ouve alguns principios de arroidos, & alguns feridos de pedradas, & outros que estavão pera se matar, & quebravão as portas, & com aver muita gente de guarda às portas, com difficuldade se lhe podia resistir, & todos dizião que se mostrasse pera ganhar dinheiro, que polo menos ganharia hum homen com elle com grande facilidade oito ou dez mil cruzados em breve tempo, & he grande , & excessivo o desejo que tem de o ver, Nobunanga o mandou chamar, & levou lho o Padre Organtino, fez estranha festa com elle fazendo-o despir da cinta pera riba, não se podendo persuadir que era aquillo cousa natural se não artificiosa: tambem o mandarão chamar os filhos de Nobunanga, & com cada hum delles ouve extraordinarias graças, & hum sobrinho de Nobunanga que agora he capitão de Ozaca lhe deu dez mil caixas, folgou em estremo de o ver, & temos bem de trabalho com suas vistas.

(Cartas de Evora『エヴォラ版日本書簡集』)



On the Monday of the week following Easter, when Nobunaga was in the capital, a great number of people came to our gates. They were all trying to see the Cafre, and a disturbance began. Some were wounded by stone-throwing, and a few were about kill each other. They tried to destroy the gate, and despite so many guards protecting the gates, it was difficult to resist the people. Everyone said that if you made a spectacle of a Cafre in order to make money, you would very easily earn at least 8,000 to 10,000 cruzados with one in a short period of time. The Cafre’s body was huge, and the desire of Nobunaga to see him was tremendous. Nobunaga summoned him, and Padre Organtino took him to Nobunaga. Nobunaga met him and made a strangely great fuss, and made the Cafre undress from the waist up, for Nobunaga was not convinced that he was natural and not artificial. The sons of Nobunaga also summoned him, and each of them greatly praised him. The nephew of Nobunaga, who is now the commander of Osaka, was very happy on seeing him, and gave him ten thousand sen. These audiences were a great trouble to us.

(My English translation)


The Jesuits passed peacefully through Sakai, but in Kyoto they seemed to have created quite a commotion. The crowds were so eager to catch a glimpse of the Cafre that they became, to their horror, complete mobs. Frois may dramatized the story, but Yasuke certainly attracted the attention of the people. From the fact that Frois thought he could take advantage of the situation to make a big money, we might catch the glimpse of the attitude of the Society of Jesus toward black people at that time.*44 Nobunaga also wanted to have a glimpse of this black man, and a place for an audience between them was established.


An important point is the date. 'the Monday of the week following Easter' means March 27, 1581 in the Julian calendar and 2nd month 23, Tensho 9 in the Japanese old calendar. That means, the date of Yasuke's first meeting with Nobunaga is consistent between Shincho-ki and this Jesuit letter. When multiple historical materials have consistent information, we can judge them as having relatively high reliability.


We can also see the significant point that it was the will of Nobunaga himself to meet Yasuke face-to-face.*46 In premodern Japanese society with the class system, the occasion of such a formal audience with nobility was in itself a privilege granted only to those with a certain position.


For example, in the Imperial Court, people were not even allowed to enter the Imperial Palace unless they had a certain rank or held a certain post. In the Tokugawa shogunate, too, the basis for distinguishing bannerguards (旗本 hatamoto), who were high-ranking vassals, from household vassal (御家人 goke-nin), who were low-ranking vassals, was that the former had "audience with one’s lord (御目見得 omemie)" status, which meant they were allowed to have an audience with the Shogun.

Mexia's letter of Octover 8, 1581


Now, let me show you another Jesuit letter, one by Lourenço Mexia, a Jesuit missionary, sent on October 8, 1581. This letter too, like the one I have cited above, describes the first encounter between Nobunaga and a man we believe to be Yasuke.

Levou o Padre hum Cafre, o qual porque nunca foi visto no Miaco, fez pasmar a todos, era a gente que o vinha ver que não tinha conto, & o mesmo Nobunanga pasmou de o vernem se podia persuadir que naturalmente era negro, mas que era artificio de tinta, & assi não se fartava[sic] de o ver muitas vezes, & falar com elle, porque sabia mediocremente a lingoa de Iapão, & tinha muitas forças, algumas manhas boas, de que elle muito gostava, agora o favorece tanto que o mandou por toda a cidade com hum homem seu muito privado pera que todos soubessem que elle o amava: dizem que o fará Tono.

(Cartas de Evora『エヴォラ版日本書簡集』)

司祭は黒人を一人同伴していたが、都においては初めて目にするものであったがため、誰もが驚嘆し、彼を見に来た人は無数であった。信長自身、彼を見て驚き、生まれつき(膚が)黒いのであって墨による細工でないことを納得しなかった。たびたび、彼を観、中程度に(mediocremente)日本語を解したので彼と話して飽くことがなく、また黒人は非常に力がありまた良い資質(manhas boas)があって、信長はそれらを気に入っていた。彼はあまりに(信長の)お気に入りとなったので、その旨を諸人に知らせるため、腹心の家臣一人を付けて市中を巡らせた。人々が言うには、(信長は)彼を殿にするであろうとのことである。

※上記の日本語訳は松田毅一監訳『十六・七世紀イエズス会日本報告集第Ⅲ期第6巻』(同朋者出版)を基に岡氏の指摘に従って修正を施したものである。修正点は以下の通り。典拠はラファエル・ブリトー『Vocabulario portuguez, e latino』(1712-1728)より。なお英訳はこれらの修正を反映している。

いくらかの芸ができたので信長は大いに喜んだ。→良い資質(manhas boas)があり、信長はそれらを気に入っていた。

Padre was accompanied by a Cafre, but since the capital had never seen one, everyone was amazed and countless people came to see him. Nobunaga himself was surprised to see him and was not convinced the black color (of his skin) was natural, not painted with ink. Nobunaga saw him often and spoke with him insatiably because the Cafre understood Japanese moderately, and the Cafre was very strong and had good qualities, which Nobunaga liked. Now that he became Nobunaga's favorite so much, Nobunaga sent him with a trusted retainer around the city to let people know. People said that Nobunaga would make him a Tono.

*The Japanese translation presented above is basically that of Dohosha Publishing, whose translations I cited in several places in this article. But as to this particular citation, I added my revisions which followed Professor Oka’s suggestions. My English translation above is a secondhand translation via this Japanese translation with my revisions.


This letter says that the man we believe to be Yasuke was able to speak mildly fluent Japanese, and that Nobunaga enjoyed talking with him. It also says that Nobunaga liked his power and some qualities that are not described in detail. It even says that Nobunaga treated him so well to the point that people in Kyoto rumored that he would become a “Tono”.


Tono” is an honorific title in Japanese language which was generally used for warrior lords (武将 busho).Warrior lords in Japan meant the highest echelon among the warrior (bushi) class, a combined figure of a feudal lord who governed his own fiefdom and a military commander of his own vassals. Such a rumor of Yasuke certainly seems to indicate Nobunaga treated him so highly, but it should also be noted that this is a record of mere hearsay which the missionaries had heard of. We can also say that this rumor, if true, proves Yasuke’s status was not so high as a warrior lord.*48


Matsudaira Ietada's Diary


"Ietada Nikki" (nikki = diary) is the diary of Matsudaira Ietada, a vassal of the Tokugawa clan. Historians have highly valued it as a primary historical material of the same period. Regarding Yasuke, too, we could say Ietada Nikki is the most reliable historical material. The original manuscript of Ietada Nikki do exists today, and we can see it online on the site of the library of Komazawa University, but unfortunately they do not allow secondary use. In this article, therefore, I will show you one of its hand copies that allows us secondary use, a copy in the collection of the library of Ibaragi University. I have confirmed the two have no diferrence in the text.


According to the entry of Ietada Nikki on May 11, 1582, Ietada saw Yasuke accompanying Nobunaga on his way back home on Tokai-do Road (a major route along the east coast of the main island of Japan) after the subjugation campaign of the Takeda clan.*50 The following is how Ietada described Yasuke.

十九日 丁未 雨降



十九日 ひのとひつじ 雨



On the 19th, fire goat (chinese sexagenary cycle), rainy.

Ue-sama (Nobunaga) was accompanied by a black man who was a present from Cristians to him and to whom he give a stipend. The man's body was the color of black ink, and his height six shaku two bu.*52 His name was Yasuke (弥介).

(My English translation)


(Ue-sama was an honorific for the head of warrior household.) As we can see, Ietada Nikki clearly records Yasuke's specific height and characteristic skin color, the fact that he was given a stipend, and the name Yasuke. Although the description itself is rather short in comparison with most of the other historical materials, the fact that Yasuke appears in this reliable historical material is important. It is not certain, though, whether Yasuke participated in the actual battles in this campaign. We have no historical material about that.

Sonkeikaku discussion again


As I mentioned earlier, the Sonkeikaku copy has its unique extra passages, and their reliability could be controversial. Are they reliable? Or are they questionable inventions added in later years? Professor Kaneko, who generally takes the former position, does not rule out the latter possibility as to the particular description on Yasuke's status. The reason is that the name of Yasuke had been already recorded in none other than Ietada Nikki.


We cannot find the name Yasuke at all in the European historical materials. We have only two historical materials in which the name appears, namely, Ietada Nikki and the Sonkeikaku copy of Shincho-ki. Ietada Nikki was a contemporary document, and Shincho-ki was completed after Nobunaga’s death. Which means, perhaps Ota Gyuichi, or his descendant Kazuhiro, might had somehow read Ietada Nikki and recognized about Yasuke. In that case, the hypothetical writer might have used a touch of creative license to flesh out the status of Yasuke, and finally incorporated it into the Sonkeikaku copy or the original of it. Was that possible? In terms of the chronological order of events, we cannot exclude this possibility. Let us call this hypothesis, hereinafter, the “Ietada Nikki-based-Sonkeikaku copy theory.”


Professor Hirayama flatly refuted this theory. He pointed out that, if we assume in the same way with Professor Kaneko that the extra passages of the Sonkeikaku copy are surviving original trivialities and not addition of later years, he (Professor Hirayama) ”cannot confirm that Ietada Nikki had been widely accessible during the lifetime of Ota Gyuichi, who died in the 11th year of the Keicho (1606).” First of all, the nature of Ietada Nikki. It was, literally, a diary. It was personal and private, not something random people could get to see. It was left in the Matsudaira family, and its value as a historical document was first noticed by Ietada's grandson, Matsudaira Tadafusa. Tadafuta was born in 1619 (5th of Genna), supposedly after Gyuichi had passed away.*54 Professor Hirayama concluded that, all things considered, Ota Gyuichi could not have possibly read Ietada Nikki in his lifetime.

Could the Ota family read Ietada's diary?

 では牛一子孫の一寛の場合はどうだろうか。彼が享保4年(1719年)尊経閣本を書写したとき『家忠日記』を参照することは可能だったか? 歴史学者の岩沢愿彦氏による研究によれば忠房による発見以来『家忠日記』原本は島原藩松平家の秘蔵であった。文化元年(1804年)に将軍徳川家斉が上覧して以降は、将軍の意向に従ってより一層の秘蔵となり人目に触れる機会はなくなった。なお上覧の際には複本が作成され幕府の文書庫に納められているが、これは尊経閣本の書写より後の出来事なので同本とは無関係である。

Then, what about Kazuhiro, a descendant of Gyuichi? Was it possible for him to see Ietada Nikki before he made the Sonkeikaku copy in 7th of Kyoho (1719)? According to a study by historian Yoshihiko Iwasawa, the original manuscript of Ietada Nikki had become, ever since Tadafusa’s discovery, a near-secret heirloom of the Matsudaira family, the ruler of the Shimabara Domain. On top of that, in 1804, the shogun at that time Tokugawa Ienari himself took a look at Ietada Nikki, and ordered that it be kept under strict care, which made the diary even more treasured and virtually out of public accessibility. It is true that a duplicate copy was made at the occasion of the presentation for shogun and it was kept in the library of the shogunate, but this happened after the production of the Sonkeikaku copy in 1719, making it unrelated to our problem here either way.


Okay, then, what about any other duplicate copies of Ietada Nikki? We know that Matsudaira Tadafuyu, a groundson of Ietada, compiled a supplemented version of Ietada Nikki around 1660 (3rd of Manji), and Tokugawa Yoshinao, a relative of shogun family, supposedly made use of this version of Ietada Nikki in his editing work of "Shinkun Gonenpu," a chronology of Tokugawa Ieyasu, which was completed around 1646 (3rd of Shoho). But, in both works the entry of the 19th of 4th month, Tensho 10, wherein Yasuke appears, was omitted.*56 In summary, if we aim to establish the “Ietada Nikki-based-Sonkeikaku copy-theory,” we have to assume that Kazuhiro directly read the original manuscript of "Ietada Nikki." But, I would say it was impossible for Kazuhiro, who was serving the Maeda clan, to access the near-secret treasure of the Matsudaira family before 1719 (4th of Kyoho).


We can think of one last possibility. Could it be that Gyuichi or Kazuhiro wrote mere fabrication from the thin air, and that had nothing to do with Ietada Nikki? In this case, the coincidences between the Sonkeikaku copy and Ietada Nikki, such as the name Yasuke*59and the description that he received stipend, would become really mysterious. In the first place, I must say, even if we hypothesized that the extra passages in the Sonkeikaku copy were mere whimsical creation of someone, we can imagine no motivation whatsoever to inflate the status of Yasuke, who was obviously not a very impotant figure throughout this period. For example, When Gyuichi made the Ikeda autograph copy of "Shincho-ki," he slightly added lines to emphasize the the achievements of the Ikeda family, because it was a present for the Ikeda family, who became the owner of this copy.*60 But I believe it is impossible to find a similar relationship between Yasuke and the Sonkeikaku copy.


Based on the above reasons, I argue against the “Ietada Nikki-based-Sonkeikaku copy-theory,” which claims Yasuke’s description in the Sonkeikaku copy was a fabrication made based on Ietada Nikki. I also believe that it is a persuasive theory that the description in question has its origin in Gyuichi’s original manuscript or autograph copy of "Shincho-ki" handed down in the Ota family. However, as I mentioned earlier, Professor Goza took a cautious stance on the Sonkeikaku copy, and historians seems to be still not in agreement about the general reliability of the Sonkeikaku copy presently. I have to admit it is marginally possibe that the information in the extra passage on Yasuke, except the part of his name and stipend, was addition made in the process of transcription.


the Honnoji incident


Nobunaga decided to go to the front lines himself in order to reinforce Hideyoshi, who was engaged in a fierce battle with the Mori clan who ruled almost entire Chugoku region (western tip of the mainland of Japan). To arrange the army for departure, Nobunaga came to Kyoto with only a few escort, on 29th of 5th month, Tensho 10 (1582).  "Shincho-ki" tells us that there were "two to thirty pages". Meanwhile, Akechi Mitsuhide, a corps commander who left his headquarters with about 13000 troops he mobilized to attack Chugoku region, suddenly told his officers that he would betray Nobunaga and directed his corps to Kyoto. The following is an excerpt from the climax of "Shincho-ki," the Honnoji Incident. In the early morning of 2nd of 6th month (June 21 in the Julien calender), Nobunaga realized that Honnoji-temple, where he was staying, was surrounded by Akechi's men.

ときの聲を上御殿へ鐵炮を打入候是は謀叛歟如何成者︀之企そと 御諚之處に森乱申樣に 明智か者︀と見え申候と言上候へは不及是非と 上意候透をあらせす御殿へ乘入面御堂之御番衆も御殿へ一手になられ候〻御廐より 矢代勝介 伴太郞左衞門 伴正林 村田吉五 切而出討死 此外御中間衆(中略)初として廿四人御厩に而討死 
 御殿之內に而討死之衆(中略)御小姓衆懸り合――討死候〻也(中略)信長初には御弓を取合二三つ遊し候へは何れも時刻到來候而御弓之絃切其後御鎗にて被成御戰御肘に被鎗疵引退是迄御そはに女共付そひて居申候を女はくるしからす急罷出よと被仰追出させられ旣 御殿に火を懸燒來候御姿を御見せ有間敷と被思食候歟殿中奧深く入給ひ內よりも御南戶之口を引立無情御腹めされ





(榊山潤『現代語訳 信長公記(全)』P459)

The enemy raised the battle cry and blasted Nobunaga’s residential quarters with their guns. “This is treason!” Nobunaga stated. “Whose plot is it?” “They look like Akechi’s men,” Mori Ran replied. Nobunaga’s response was, “What’s done is done.”

Attacking relentlessly, Akechi’s men quickly forced their way into Nobunaga’s residence. Nobunaga’s guards at the front hall fell back to join forces with the defenders of his personal quarters. From the stables Yashiro Shōsuke, Ban Tarōzaemon, Tomo Shōrin, and Murata Kitsugo rushed forward, slashing away with their swords, to their death. Apart from these men, twenty-four of Nobunaga’s grooms*61 [...] were killed at the stables.

The following men were killed inside Nobunaga’s residence: [...]

Nobunaga’s pages went at the enemy again and again, until all were killed in battle. [...]

Nobunaga first grabbed his bow, but when he had let fly two or three times, the string broke, its time apparently having come as well. He continued the fight with a spear but suffered a spear wound to his elbow and retreated. Up to that point his women had remained by him but now he ordered them, “Get out, hurry! They won’t harm women.” Once the women had been chased away, he had his personal quarters set on fire, and soon the entire building was aflame. Not wanting anyone to see his final moments, it would seem, Nobunaga retired deep into his residence, shut the door of a utility room from the inside, and coolly cut his own belly.

(The Chronicle of Lord Nobunaga, Brill Academic Pub, 2011, 469P)


In this way, “A man who used to frighten people only by his name, let alone by his voice, was reduced to ashes without leaving a hair” (a Jesuit letter). At that time, Nobunaga's heir Nobutada and the horse guards of the Oda clan were actually in Kyoto. But Nobutada was staying at Myokakuji Temple, a little to the north of Honno-ji, and the horse guards were staying scattered around town. When they learned of Akechi's rebellion, they tried to rush to the Honnoji Incident, but it was already too late.


Right next to Myokakuji temple was the Nijo New Imperial Palace. It was a castle that Nobunaga had built as a lodging for his stay in Kyoto. Now it had been presented to his highness Sanehito by Nobunaga and had become the prince’s palace. Nobutada moved to this place, where the defense was strong, and horse guards rushed to join him from all over Kyoto. But clearly they were outnumbered. The Nijo New Imperial Palace, which was a palace now, had no arsenal. Nobutada was forced to decide whether to leave Kyoto and retreat to Azuchi, or to engage Akechi army at the palace.

三位中將信忠 御諚にはか樣之謀叛によものかし候はし雜兵之手にかゝり候ては後難︀無念也爰に而腹を可切と被仰



(榊山潤『現代語訳 信長公記(全)』P462)

To this Sanmi no Chūjō*63 Nobutada responded: "Those involved in a revolt such as this are not apt to let me get away. The thought of the infamy I would incur if I fell into the hands of common foot soldiers is more than I can bear. I will rather cut my belly right here!"

(The Chronicle of Lord Nobunaga, Brill Academic Pub, 2011, 471P)


On the agreement with the Akechi side, the Imperial Court officials, including his highness, evacuated, and the battle resumed. The horse guards fought bravely, and according to the Jesuit letter, “the heir (Nobutada) fought bravely and suffered many wounds by guns and arrows.” However, when the Akechi side sent up bowmen and gun infantry to the roof of the residence of a court noble Konoe Sakihisa, which was next to the Nijo New Imperial Palace, the battle was decided. Arrows and bullets rained down from the heights, and the soldiers fell one after another. Finally, the Akechi army surged into the Palace and set fire to the building. Nobutada ordered his vassal Kamata Shinsuke to assist him in ritual suicide, and committed it with his sword.


The Akechi army searched all over Kyoto to hunt down the remnants, and “The heads are piled up in front of Akechi, and the bodies are left in the streets” (Jesuit letter). In this way, the Oda horse guards, who were once proud of their power throughout the country, were annihilated along with their lord in just a few hours.


So, the above was from first to last of the Honnoji Incident, which I reconstructed (with considerable dramatization) from "Shinchoki" and a Jesuit letter. Where was Yasuke, and what was he doing during this whole time? "Shincho-ki" lists and praises more than 90 people who died in the Honnoji Incident, but the name Yasuke is not among them. However, according to a Jesuit letter, he was also one of those who fought in this  incident.

Carrion's report about the honnoji incident


According to a Jesuit record, Yasuke was one of those who fought in the Honnoji Incident. it is the only record we know of Yasuke engaged in an actual battle, as well as the last record of him in history. Now let’s see the letter, which Luís Fróis wrote to the President of the Society of Jesuit on November 5, 1582.

Temiamos mais porque hum Cafre que o Padre Visitador deixou a Nobunânga polo desejar, depois de Nobunánga ser morto se foi a casa do principe, & ali esteve pelejando hum grande pedaço: hum criado de Aquechí se chegou a elle, & lhe pedio a cataná, que não tivesse medo elle lha entregou, & o outro foi perguntar a Aquechì, que faria do Cafre, respondeo: esse Cafre he bestial, que não sabe nada, nem he Iapão, não no matem, la o depositem na igreja dos Padres da India, polo qual nos começamos aquietar alguma cousa,

(Cartas de Evora『エヴォラ版日本書簡集』)



After the death of Nobunaga, the Cafre, whom Visitador had left to Nobunaga at his request, went to the residence of Nobunaga's heir and had been fighting there for a long time, which made us a more than little worried, but when a vassal of Akechi approached him and demanded him to hand over his sword without fear, the Cafre offered it to him. Another vassal went to Akechi and asked him what to do with the Cafre, and Akechi said 'the Cafre is an animal and don't know anything, and he is also not a Japanese, so don't kill him and send him to the church of Padre of Indies.' This made us calm down a little.

(My English translation)


What we can see from this description is that he fought against probably many enemies for a long time and then surrendered.


I mentioned earlier that the Sonkeikaku copy contains a description that suggest Yasuke served Nobunaga closely, and this report is consistent with that. Since Nobunaga came to Kyoto with only a small group of pages (御小姓衆)*65, if we do not assume Yasuke accompanied him, it would become difficult to explain why Yasuke fought in the Honnoji Incident at all.


It is unknown how and why Yasuke, who we suppose was at the side of Nobunaga, could move to ”the residence of the heir.” It is also unknown exactly where Yasuke fought. In a part immediately before this part, the phrase ‘the residence of the heir’ appears referring to Myokakuji temple where Nobutada was boarding, which means if we interpret the phrasing literally, Yasuke fought at Myokakuji. However, actually Nobutada moved from Myokakuji to Nijo Imperial Palace and fought there. It is difficult for us to imagine Yasuke stayed and fought at Myokakuji all by himself.


Professor Goza speculates the situation, from this letter, like this: Yasuke was at the side of Nobunaga, but after the death of his lord somehow escaped from Honno-ji Temple, and went to join Nobutada. When the Akechi army closed in on him, Yasuke fought hard with Nobutada’s men, but when Nobunaga’s son died too, Yasuke surrendered. According to Professor Oka, the original sentence of 'fought there' could be translated as 'went to the residence of the heir and fought around there.' Myokakuji and Nijo Imperial Palace were located just one street away from each other at that time.


After his life was spared and sent to the Jesuit church, Yasuke was never heard from again. We know nothing about his life after that. Several black people do appear in historical materials of western Japan in the near period, but nothing is found to connect them with Yasuke.*67

The context of Carrion's report


The one who drafted this report letter was Francisco Carrion, a Jesuit missionary who was in the church in Kyoto at the time of the incident. The letter itself was authored by Frois, but the use of the first person 'I' in the letter suggests that Frois copied Carrion's report as it was. The church was very close to Honno-ji temple, and "the church of Padre of Indies" mentioned in Mitsuhide's statement must have meant here. Having seen it closely himself, Carrion’s record of the Honnoji Incident is detailed and close to reality. I presume the credibility of this letter relatively high.


Nobunaga generously allowed the activities of the Society of Jesus during his lifetime, but his demise caused confusion in Kinai region (the capital and its surrounding areas), where the Jesuits were active. On top of that, in constrast to Nobunaga who was loath of traditional religious forces in Japan, from the Jesuit point of view*69, Akechi Mitsuhide was apparently strongly involved in Buddhism, which made the Jesuits worried about their future activities in Japan.


The missionaries feared that Akechi army might seize or even plunder their church, but in fact Mitsuhide tried to maintain order in Kyoto, and the church remained unscathed. We can interprete the account of Yasuke's survival in this letter as a part of this context. On seeing the fact that Yasuke was spared, the Jesuits must have judged that Mitsuhide had no malice against them and felt relieved. However, the real reason why Mitsuhide spared Yasuke remains a mystery for us. As it turned out, Mitsuhide was defeated by the army of Toyotomi Hideyoshi shortly after the Honnoji Incident, and the whole reason why he rose in revolt itself remains the greatest mystery in the history of the Sengoku period.*71

 中国地方で毛利家と戦闘中だった秀吉は、変の報せを受けると主君の死を隠して毛利方と講話し強行軍で京都に急行、わずか十日ほどで明智軍と接敵した。天正10年6月13日(1582年7月2日) 山崎の戦いである。未だ態勢の整わぬまま光秀は一万六千の兵力で秀吉軍二万六千を迎え撃ったが、戦闘は一日のうちに秀吉軍の勝利に終わった。光秀は落ち武者狩りに遭ったと言われている。主君の仇を討ち取った秀吉は勢いに乗り、激しい権力闘争に勝利して織田家の権力を継承することに成功した。*72

Toyotomi Hideyoshi was fighting against the Mori clan in the Chugoku region. When he was informed of the incident, he returned to Kyōto in forced march, and within mere ten days he engaged Mitsuhide's army. This was the Battle of Yamazaki which was held on July 2, 1582 (6th month 2, Tensho 10). Akechi Mitsuhide, who had 16,000 troops but was unable to prepare himself for Hideyoshi's swift action, fought Hideyoshi's army of 26,000. The battle ended in a victory for Hideyoshi's army within one day. The conventional story says Mitsuhide was attacked and killed by random armed locals during his retreat. Hideyoshi, who avenged his lord's death, gained momentum and emerged the victor of the following fierce power struggle, and eventually succeeded the whole power of the Oda clan.*73


European documents in later period


The three Jesuit letters we have seen so far were contemporary historical materials. Now, let us take a look at European historical materials of later years. The first one I’ll show you is a passage from a 17th-century French book of the history of Christian missionary work in Japan. This book includes a record about Valignano, who brought Yasuke to Japan, as well as some clues for the homeplace of a black man we believe to be Yasuke and his life before he came to Japan.

Book by François Solier 1627


"The History of the Church in Japan," written by Francis Solier, a Jesuit, in 1627, have the following description. We can see the original text on the Internet.

Or auoit le Pere Alexandre mené auec ſoy des Indes vn valet More, auſli noir que ſont les Ethiopiens de la Guinee, mais natif du Mozambic, & de ceux qu'on nomme proprement Cafres, habitans vers le Cap de Bonne eſperace. 

(François Solier. Histoire ecclésiastique des isles et royaumes du Japon, 1627)



Padre Alexander brought a Moor from India. The man was dark-skinned, like the Ethiopians in Guinea, and he was from Mozambique, a country near the Cape of Good Hope inhabited by a people called Cafre.

(My English translation)


It says that Valignano brought a man from India who seems for us to be Yasuke, and that this black man was of Mozambican origin. At first glance, however, Solier’s geographical perception of African continent seems awfully random: we know in reality Ethiopia is in East Africa, Guinea is in the opposite West Africa, and Mozambique is far from the Cape of Good Hope.


But actually, this is not so entirely random. According to professor Oka, the word “Guinea” was, for a time, used to refer to all of Africa except North Africa, and the kingdom of Monomotapa, which existed near present-day Mozambique, extended its sphere of influence as far as the Cape of Good Hope. Also, the fact that Valignano stopped at Goa in India, which was a Portuguese colony, on his way from Europe to Japan is supported by Jesuit historical materials.


At first (before revisions) I had evaluated Solier’s description as unreliable because of his warped perception of Africa, but I was incorrect. Solier’s statements are perhaps not so random, though his source of information is unclear. By the way, this book does not include any record of Yasuke's fight in the Honnoji Incident.

Book by Jean Crasset 1689


In 1689, an enlarged edition of this book was published by Jean Crasset, a French Jesuit theologian. It contains the details of the trip to Japan of the missionary group including Valignano. It matches with the original edition in that he stopped in Goa, India, on the way from Lisbon via Mozambique. The following is a scene of the first meeting between a person who seems to be Yasuke and Nobunaga in this enlarged edition. Professor Oka provided me with the original text.

Aprés les Festes de Pasques, le Pere Valignan se transportara à Meaco pour y falüer Nobunanga & pour le remercier des faveurs continuelles qu’il répandoit sur les Chrétiens & sur les Peres qui preschoient dans son Royaume. Il avoit amené des Indes un valet More. Aussi-toft qu’il parut dans la Ville tout le monde courut pour le voir. Le Pere Organtin le presenta à Nobunanga, qui en sut surpris & ne pouvoit croire que cette couleur sût naturelle: Mais il se persuadoit qu’on l’avoit peint de la forte, ce qui obligea le More de se dépoüiller jusqu à la ceinture. Aprés l’avoir bien examine il en demeura convaincu. Il receut le Pere tres favorablement & luy assigna un jour pour entretenir le Pere Visiteur.

(Jean Crasset. Histoire de L’ Eglise du Japon, 1689)



After the Easter celebrations, Padre Valignano went to Kyoto to pay respect to Nobunaga and to thank him for the constant favors he bestowed upon the Christians and its priests who preached in his kingdom. He (Valignano) had brought a Moor (black people) valet from India, but as soon as the man appeared in the city, everyone rushed to see him. Padre Organtino introduced him to Nobunaga, who was surprised and could not believe that his (skin) color was natural. In fact, he was so convinced that the man had been painted (with black ink) in this way, the Moor was compelled to undress from the waist up. After examining him closely, he (Nobunaga) was convinced (that the skin color was not artificial). He received the group of Padre very favorably and set a day for the next meeting with Visitador Padre.

(My English translation)


Basically it matches the contents of the Jesuit letters of 9th Tensho I have cited earlier, but as to the point that Yasuke was brought from India it inherits the description from Solier’s edition.


It was easy for the Jesuits to read the reports their members sent from various places to their headquarters because these reports were stored in a organized and accessible way. The general consistensy of Crasset's description with contemporary Jesuit historical materials suggests that he relied on such materials to write this book. Nevertheless, like Solie's book, Crase's "History of the Japanese Church" does not describe Yasuke's battle in the Honnoji Incident.

Did Nobunaga make Yasuke’s skin washed?


Anyone who knows about Yasuke has heard of the anecdote that Nobunaga wouldn’t believe his skin color and made it wash before his own eyes. Since this “wash” part of anecdote is not described in any of the Jesuit historical materials I’ve cited so far, at first I had doubted that it might be an invention of later years. But Professor Oka provided me with the text of a book, a historical material that supports this anecdote, which I will show you now.

Vay o Padre Visitador pera o Meaco e leva consigo o Padre Luis Froes e outros companheiros e chega ao Sacay, he recebido com muita festa. Chega o Padre Visitador a Meaco, e vay visitar a Nobunanga, elle fez honras extraordinarias, admirão-se muito os japonezes de tres cousas ninca vistas em Japao; a primeira da estatura do Padre Visitador que ainda entre os Europeus era de marca mayor, e de hum Cafre pequeno que o acompanhava e bom trabalho deo aos Padres pela muita gente que comcorria a ve-llo como era couza que não tinha visto, huns se admiravão do cabello trizado, outros dos narizes, e outras arengas, não se podia Nobunaga persuadir que as corres erão naturaes, mandou o despir da cinta para cima, e lavar com muita curiosidade, e quanto mais, e quanto mais o lavavão mais negrejava. A terceira novidade erão huns orgãos que forão de Goa que sendo este instrumento montado por Jubal Sexto neto de Adam, ainda não tinhão os Japões dado neste invento.

(『キリスト教に関する導入書、すなわち日本宣教の始まりとその上長たちについての書 1549年8月15日から1744年8月31日まで』アジュダ図書館所蔵史料
Biblioteca da Ajuda, Lisboa. Jesuítas na Ásia 49-IV-55. Livro Primeiro da Christandade, digo do principio da Missão do Japão e Superiores della, começando em quinze de agosto de mil quinhentos e quarenta e nove, annos 1549 athe o trinta e hum de agosto de mil settecentos e quarenta e quatro 1744 annos.)



Visitador Padre (Valignano) took Father Luis Frois and other companions to the capital (Kyoto), and when they reached Sakai, they were enthusiastically welcomed. On arriving the capital, Visitador Padre paid a visit to Nobunaga, who showed him special respect, and the Japanese were very surprised by three things that had never been seen in Japan. Firstly, by the height of Visitador Padre, which was very tall even among the Europeans, and secondly, by the insignificant Cafre who accompanied him. Cafre was something that had never been seen, and so many people rushed to see him that the priests had quite a hard time. Some marveled at his curly hair, others at his nose and various other features. Nobunaga, not convinced that his skin color was natural, stripped him naked above his belt and commanded to wash him scrupulously. But the more they washed, the darker and darker his skin became. The third new thing was the several organs from Goa, which had been invented by Adam's sixth grandson Yuval, and of which the Japanese had not yet know.

(My English translation)


This text not only tells us the fact that Nobunaga made Yasuke's skin washed, but also describes Yasuke's other external features. I’d say it is a very valuable historical source.


This book describes mainly about Valignano's achievements, but we currently do not know who was the author of this historical document. Since Frois appears in this letter, Professor Oka suspects that it was someone who had read Frois’s letters.*75


I’ve noticed that several documents incorrectly identified the author of this material as Antonio Francisco Cardin. This book, a collection of documents including this historical material, is composed of five documents, and Cardin is the author of only the second document, but not of the others. Cardin assumed the position of Prefect of the Japanese Territory of the Society of Jesus around 1645, but at that time Japan were extremely hostile to the propagation of Christianity, and smuggling onself into the country meant certain death.*77 Instead of entering the Japanese territory, he gathered information about Japan in Macau and wrote many history books, but none of which seems to related to Yasuke so far as I know.

Yasuke's ommition in later ages

 ところでこの弥助が肌を洗わせられたという文書だが、同文書は1938年に出版されたルイス・フロイス『日本史』第二部(Segunda parte da Historia de Japam : que trata das couzas, que socedarão nesta V. Provincia da Hera de 1578 por diante, começãdo pela Conversão del Rey de Bungo (1578-1582))にも収録されている。書き方からしてこの文書の著者はフロイスではなさそうだが、ここで『日本史』についても軽く触れておきたい。フロイス『日本史』は彼が1594年までに執筆した編年体の歴史書で、日本史における重要史料の一つだ。またフロイスはこれまで見てきたように自身の書簡の中で弥助に触れているし、そもそも彼はヴァリニャーノを長とする使節団に同行していたのだから、フロイスが弥助と面識があったことはほぼ間違いない。

By the way, this same document, which says Yasuke was forced to wash his skin, is also included in the second part of Luis Frois's “History of Japan” (Segunda parte da Historia de Japam : que trata das couzas, que socedarão nesta V. Provincia da Hera de 1578 por diante, começãdo pela Conversão del Rey de Bungo 1578-1582),  a book published in 1938. Frois does not seem to be the author of this document, but I would like to briefly explain about this book. Frois’s "History of Japan" is a chronological history completed before 1594 and is one of the most important historical materials in Japanese history. As we have seen already in this article, Frois mentioned Yasuke in his letters, and since he was a member of the missionary headed by Valignano in the first place, there is little doubt that Frois was personally aquainted with Yasuke.


In spite of that, Yasuke does not appear at all in Frois's "History of Japan." And although both versions of "The History of the Church in Japan," Solier’s and Crasset’s, mentions Yasuke, they do not record Yasuke's battle in the Honnoji Incident. In the case of Sollier it is understandable, since his focus was obviously not on the “Moor,”  but Crasset also omits Yasuke's action, even though he clearly relies on Jesuit letters. Thus, not only in Japanese documents, but also in European historical sources, Yasuke's action was always omitted when secondary literature was created.


Other materials and considerations


So far, I have dealt, as a rule, only with historical materials in which Yasuke directly appears, but in this section I’d like to make exception and introduce some historical materials which are related to Yasuke but he does not directly appear. I’ll also provide supplementary explanations you might need when interpriting historical documents but I haven’t discussed so far.

Valignano's letter of 1574


Professor Oka provided me with a historical material, in which Yasuke does not directly appear but e can use to infer his backgrounds. Based on this material, Professor Oka surmises that Yasuke came from Mozambique. The following is a part of Valignano's own Italian handwriting letter from Mozambique dated August 7, 1574.

Gli schiavi poi che erano stati dall’ istesso governatore donati per servitio de Padre
ancora all’istesso ho restituiti et gl’altri, che gl’erano stati dati per elemosina, o, gli
menaro me co che sono tre, o, un paro d’essi gl’inviato à donare alla casa di San
Rocco in Lisboa, p.che se gl’há molto bene meritati con la molta spesa, che con la
nostra dimora ha fatta

(ローマイエズス会文書館所蔵史料 Archivum Romanum Societatis Iesu, Jap Sin 7 III, fl. 225v.)



The slaves, donated by the commander of the (Mozambican) fortress, had been given to serve Padres. Some of them had already been transferred to others, and the rest was given [to others] as alms (alms = charity, donation). I left only three to myself, and had sent two of them as alms to San Roque abbey in Lisbon, where great expense was needed, and they were fit to be used for it.

(My English translation)


Although we have no evidence that this remaining former slave was Yasuke, Professor Oka guesses that they were one and the same person. Since the sources of black slaves in Africa at that time were mainly prisoners of war resulting from wars between black states, it is highly likely that the ones the commander donated were also former prisoners of war.

Did the Jesuits oppose slavery?


Although it is a well known fact that the Jesuits ostensibly opposed slavery, apparently in this letter Valignano allocates and employs slaves as he pleases. However, I’d like to note that, though this letter certainly uses words such as “transfer” and “alms,” it is highly likely that their legal status was “former” slave.


In European slave law, the foundation of a debt slave was that they owed a debt to the owner. This debt was an obligation which was integrated with the right of the owner to own and use the slave. Therefore, if and when the slave maintained their status as a slave while passed over to the next owner, it involved the transfer of the obligation, too. However, the fortress commander gave the slaves to Valignano without compensation. Thus, Professor Oka believes that the obligation of the slaves were secured and extinguished by the commander. In this case, the slaves were no longer slaves because they did not owe a debt to Valignano.


It seems possible, however, that these slaves were not debt slaves, and in that case Valignano would have been free to choose to keep them as a slave ot not. He could have changed their status by declaring that they were free and writing a document in a church. Either way, given that the Jesuits’ official stance was against slavery, it is likely that they were employed in a non-slave status. Professor Oka speculates their status to be “moço,” which meant paid servants without a explicit slave contract. And, since it was impossible Jesuit servants were not Christians, they must have been converts with Christian names. That makes, technically, Yasuke at the time of his arrival in Japan a Christian, too.


It is worth noting that despite the Jesuits ostensibly opposed to slavery, in reality they transferred black people as if they were commodities. That fact is well documented in this historical source.

弥助マネー考察 How much money were those?


By the way, when you read the above Valignano's letter, didn't you remember the line in the Frois’s letter, "if you made a spectacle of a Cafre in order to make money, you would very easily earn at least 8,000 to 10,000 cruzados"? This is also a supporting evidence of how the Jesuits at that time viewed black people. But, by the way, don't you wonder how much was 8,000 to 10,000 cruzado worth? Also, according to the same Frois’s letter, Yasuke received ten thousand sen from Nobunaga's nephew. How much was this worth? To cut to the chase, the 8,000 to 10,000 cruzado the Jesuits dreamed of was a large sum of money worth 15 to 20 tons of rice, and 10,000 sen Yasuke actually got was worth 3 tons of rice.


The reader may be puzzled, why did I suddenly mention rice? It is because, in Japan at that time, namely from the end of the Middle Ages to the Early Modern period, the economic power of a warrior was measured with a system known as the “kokudaka” system. Kokudaka (koku = a volume unit of rice, daka = amount) meant the standard annual rice yield of a certain land. One koku meant a volume of about 180 liters, and if weighed in rice about 150 kilograms, which was roughly the amount of rice consumed by an adult per year. For example, if a warrior owned an fief of 100 koku, the economic value of the land would be equivalent to a harvest of 15 tons of rice per year, which, multiplied by the tax rate, would become the warrior's annual income.


By the way, since the Oda clan was rapidly expanding its territories at that time, they also used a system called the “kandaka” (kan = a unit of money, daka = amount) system in addition to the kokudaka system. Both systems were the same in that they made culculation based on the amount of land harvests, but the difference was that in the kokudaka system people paid tax with rice itself, whereas in the kandaka system people paid with money worth the culculated rice. The monetary unit was “kanmon,” which meant a thousand coins. The exchange rate between a kanmon and a koku varied considerably depending on the time period and region, but according to monetary historian Takashi Kawato, a kanmon was roughly equivalent to two koku in the Oda clan fiefs during this period. Yasuke received 10,000 coins in this letter, which was 10 kanmon, and that equaled 20 koku, 3 tons of rice.


Cruzado was the Portuguese unit of gold and silver coinage, and one cruzado equaled 35 grams of silver. Jesuits report letters from Japanese branch converted all monetary exchanges in Japan into cruzado. In fact, the letter I cited earlier explains, immediately after this part, the exchange rates as 30,000 cruzado equals 200 kanmon, and 50,000 cruzado equals 300 kanmon. According to these exchange rates, 8,000 to 10,000 cruzado would be roughly equivalent to 15 to 20 tons of rice. A fortune, worth the annual income of a decent warrior.


Both systems, the kokudaka system and the kandaka system, were the foundation of the feoffment (知行 chigyo) system, the practice in which warrior lords paid a salary to his vassels through bestowing them the right to govern a fief. The vassels, in other words warrior households, earned their income through managing this fief as a lord themselves, and in return, the warrior lords imposed on them military services according to the size of their fiefs.*79 The warrior lords used, in addition to the feoffment system, the system of stipend (扶持 fuchi), too. Yasuke’s was such a case, meaning that Nobunaga paid Yasuke a stipend directly and it did not involve control of land.


It is often said that the samurai and their fiefs are inseparable, but in reality, it was a common practice for feudal lords (daimyo) to employ lower-ranking vassals with stipends in the Sengoku period and after. For example, so-called “household vassals” (御家人 gokenin), who were lower-ranking warriors but direct vassals of the Tokugawa shogunate, did not receive a fief, but received kuramai (蔵米 rice from storehouse). Kuramai was a salary distributed from the rice storehouse of Domains or the shogunate, and we can roughly understand it as the same with a stipend. On the other hand, bannerguards (旗本 hatamoto), who were higher-ranking warriors than household vassals, basically had enfeoffment. In addition, warrior household servants often received a salary in money.  So roughly speaking, the status and salary forms were linked: a fief for higher-ranking warriors, a stipend for lower-ranking vassals, and salary money for servants.


However, the boundary between bannerguards and household vassals was not the form of salary, but “the status of omemie” (御目見得 audience with one’s lord), in other words, being  entitled to meet their lord, the Shogun. Therefore, it was not impossible that a lowest rank of bannerguard who receive stipend was financially poorer than a high-ranking household vassal who did not have  the audience status. Also, it was not that there were no servants who received stipends. I have said they were linked, but the status and the form of salary were still different matters.So, it seems difficult for us to guess Yasuke's exact status only from the fact that he received a stipend. The specific amount of Yasuke’s stipend, too, is unknown because it is not recorded in any historical materials.

Sumo Tournament in "Shinchi-ki"


I have already discussed a number of times Yasuke's position in the Oda clan using several materials. Here, I would like to highlight some parts of "Shincho-ki" useful for considering his position, although Yasuke does not appear in them. The text I’ll show you now is from a reprint copy of the “Gajikanga copy.” This copy belongs to the line derived from the “Kenkun-Jinja autograph copy,” one of the autograph copies of Gyuichi, and one of the widely circulated versions of Shincho-ki. Many of modern Japanese translations of Shincho-ki, too, have used it as their original.


It is well known fact that Nobunaga loved sumo so much, and “Shincho-ki” frequently records sumo tournaments. Especially famous one for its large scale is the tournament held on “6th of Tensho, 8th month, 15th.” The following is an excerpt from the tournament.

八月十五日 江州國中京都︀の相撲取を初として千五百人安土へ被召寄 御山にて辰刻より酉刻迄とらせて御覽候(中略)


東馬二郞 たいとう づかう 妙仁 ひし屋 助五郞 水原孫太郞 大塜新八 あら鹿 山田與兵衞 圓淨寺源七 村田吉五 麻生三五 靑地孫治 以上十四人 






(榊山潤『現代語訳 信長公記(全)』P281)

Eighth Month, 15th day: Nobunaga summoned fifteen hundred sumo wrestlers, beginning with men from all over Ōmi Province and Kyoto, to Mount Azuchi, where he watched them compete from the Hour of the Dragon [around 8 a.m.] until the Hour of the Bird [around 6 p.m.]. [...]

The following were summoned before Nobunaga on account of their repeatedly demonstrated excellence:

Tōma Jirō, Taitō, Zukō Myōnin, Hishiya, Sukegorō, Mizuhara Magotarō, Ōtsuka Shinpachi, Arashika, Yamada Yohyōe, Enjōji Genshichi, Murata Kitsugo, Sasō Sango, and Aoji Magoji. Fourteen men in all.

Having called these wrestlers before him, Nobunaga ordered each of them to be given a sword and a dagger with gold-encrusted sheaths, a full set of clothing, an income of one hundred koku from Nobunaga's demesne, and even a private residence. This redounded to their fame in town and country, and they were full of gratitude.

(The Chronicle of Lord Nobunaga, Brill Academic Pub, 2011, 291P)


This description tells us that Nobunaga gathered sumo wrestlers from oll over the Kinai region (Kyoto and its surroundings) and held a grand sumo tournament in which as many as 1,500 wrestlers literally clashed with each other. He took 14 wrestlers who achieved excellent performance as his retainers and gave them a pair of swords, a suite of clothes, a fief, and a private residence. Yes, they were treated as samurai. Above all, it says they were "summoned” to an audience. Also, many of them do not have a surname, so you can see that a surname is not essential for being promoted to a retainer.


The similarity is obvious. Yasuke received a stipend, a decorated sword, and a residence according to the extra passage in Sonkeikaku copy. The sumo wrestlers in the above description received quite similar things. More exactly, the latter seem to be treated better than Yasuke because they were given a pair of swords, one large and the other small, and a fief instead of stipend. However, Yasuke was different with the wrestlers in two points, that he was given a name by Nobunaga and was described as sometimes seen in the role of Nobunaga's weapon bearer.


Did these wrestlers fight in the battlefield, with an entourage of their own servants like genuine warriors (bushi)? That is not the case. Professor Goza said, when asked about Yasuke's samurai status in a newspaper interview, as follows.


(弥助問題「本人は芸人のような立場」「日本人の不満は当然」 歴史学者・呉座氏に聞く(上)産経新聞電子版令和6年8月5日付記事)

"Moreover, even if Yasuke was recognized as a samurai, it could have been largely symbolic. For example, during the Edo period, some daimyo [feudal lords] who were sumo enthusiasts employed wrestlers as "personal retainers." These wrestlers were nominally considered retainers and were permitted to carry swords like samurai. However, they were not expected to actually fight in battles."

("INTERVIEW | Yasuke and Assassin's Creed Shadows: A Japanese Historian's Perspective" JAPAN forward. August 22, 2024.)


Personal retainers (お抱え okakae) is a term used to refer to a special kind of retainers employed by a feudal lord under a contract of a certain period of time. Famous examples are sumo wrestlers, as I mentioned above, and doctors who personally served feudal lords. They were treated as having “the status of warrior” (士分 shibun). Other than that, there were examples of Noh actors who were given a stipend by feudal lords, and skillful craftsmen who served with the status of “foot warriors” (徒士 kachi). They were treated as samurai in a symbolic sense, but they did not fight shoulder-to-shoulder with real, natural-born warriors in war. The status of personal retainer was usually limited to one generation, which was different from that of ordinary warriors who could inherit the status of vassal in their families.


We might wonder if the 14 wrestlers mentioned here were also samurai merely as formality, without actually serving as retainers. But, it seems that was not always the case. Although it is not described in the part I have quoted, among the ones whom Nobunaga recruited as retainers from sumo tournaments, two wrestlers, Aochi Yoemon and Tomo Shorin, got remarkable promotions afterwards. Aochi was promoted to a vassal in the first sumo tournament held by Nobunaga, and since then he held the post called “sumo commissioner,” which oversees sumo tournaments, and he served as the directors in the tournament in Tensho 6, too. Tomo Shorin, who pulled off the feat of defeating 7 wrestlers in a row in the tournament following year, and Murata Kichigoro were promoted to stablemen (厩番 umayaban) after that. These two fought together with Nobunaga in the Honnoji Incident and are on the list of the war dead in Shincho-ki.*81 According to Shincho-ki, Taito and Hishiya served as Nobunaga's polearm bearers at the big military parade Nobunaga held in Kyoto.


On the other hand, some sumo wrestlers appear only in sumo tournaments, and they seem to have been retainers just as formality. Come to think of it, for me the name "Arashika (the wild deer)" sounds more like a ring name than a real name, so he might have been a kind of semi-pro wrestler. In short, how hard we look at the quoted part, we cannot decide clearly whether each of the sumo wrestlers was a real retainer or a nominal retainer. Historian Katsuhiro Taniguchi points out that the remarkably promoted three wrestlers, namely, Aochi, Murata, and Ban, were born in warrior families, and that there was a certain limit of promotion for former sumo wrestlers who were not born in warrior families.


I suspect, in summary, that Yasuke might have been more of a nominal warrior (bushi) than a real warrior. In the first place, the questions of his formal status and of his actual roles as a retainer are separate stories. However, when we consider the fact that multiple historical materials suggest that Yasuke served at the side of Nobunaga, it is unlikely that he did not actually work as a retainer at all. In order to think about Yasuke's position in the Oda clan, we have to consider not only "Shincho-ki" but also other historical materials comprehensively.


What can we say about him?


To round up our examination so far, in this section I’d like to summarize the information we can glean from all of the historical documents. First of all, we have to note that there are very few historical documents directly related to Yasuke, which means any discussion about him is accordingly under severe limitations. His true character and life remain shrouded in mystery. However, multiple historical documents do mention his existence (the dates of Yasuke’s meeting with Nobunaga match between Shincho-Ki and Jesuit documents), so there is no doubt that at least a black man named Yasuke existed in Sengoku-period Japan.


He was a Mozambican brought from Goa, India by the Jesuit Valignano (History of the Church of Japan), and his name was Yasuke (the Sonkeikaku copy and Ietada diary). Jesuit documents call him a Cafre, which makes it likely that he was racially a black African. If his age recorded in "Shincho-ki" is approximately correct, he was born in the 1550s.


What these documents particularly emphasize about Yasuke's character is, predictably, his dark skin. The Japanese had never seen a black man before (Sincho-Ki and other documents), and many people flocked to see him (Frois’s letter). He was probably taller than average Japanese (Ietada Nikki), and his hair was curly (Ajuda library document)


Gyuichi recorded Yasuke's strength, as well as his impressive appearance (Sincho-Ki and Mexia's letter). He was able to speak Japanese moderately well, and Nobunaga found some favorable qualities in him (Mexia's letter) and made him a retainer (Ietada Nikki and the Sonkeikau copy). Nobunaga treated him so well that  people in kyoto rumored about it  (Mexia's letter).


However, these are all records from the perspective of others. Since no documents written by Yasuke himself have been discovered, we have no way of knowing his actual personality.

弥助は伝説の戦士だった か?
Yasuke was a legendary warrior?


Yasuke was a retainer of Nobunaga, who was a warrior himself. In the crisis of the Oda clan  when the Honnoji temple was attacked, Yasuke joined the battle with his sword (Carrion’s report). At least in the Honnoji Incident, he was not a coward. On the other hand, however, some people argue that if he was a samurai, it was a shameful fact that he was spared and survived the death of his lord.*83


With the exception of the Carrion’s report, we have no record of Yasuke's combat. It is true that he accompanied the campaign that destroyed the Takeda clan (Ietada Diary), but we do not find his name in any of the documents related to its battles per se. Also,  though Nobunaga often took command himself in the battlefield, we know that by the time Yasuke served him in his later years, he no longer appeared on the front lines. Yasuke served Nobunaga for only a little over one year. When we surmise from the above facts, it is quite possible that Yasuke did not participate in any battle other than the Honnoji Incident.


In addition, considering the fact that there were people who were retained as a samurai just in the symbolical meaning, we even could question if he ever actually served Nobunaga. However, since he actually accompanied Nobunaga in the campaign against the Takeda clan (Ietada diary), we cannot deny he did have a status as a retainer. On top of that, if Yasuke was a samurai in name only, how should we interpret the description that he “went to the heir's residence after Nobunaga's death and fought there for a long time” in the Honnoji Incident?

Was Yasuke a samurai?


If we take the description in the Sonkeikaku copy as true, Yasuke was clearly treated as a “samurai.” The fact that he received a sword and a private residence from his lord indicates more than enough that his status was above that of a ordinaly household servant. However, I have to say that doubts still remains about the reliability of this copy, and its true value is yet to be determined. Now, let us shelve the Sonkeikaku copy for a whole and look at other historical documents first.


When we consider the recorded strength of his strength and the fact that he fought in the Honnoji Incident, it is plausible that Yasuke was a kind of a combatant. Which implies that he was at least not one of ordinary household servants, who did not qualified as combatants and would not actively participate in battle except under emergency. In addition, Nobunaga was eager to meet Yasuke, and they met face to face (Frois’s letter). This fact makes it highly likely that Yasuke was of “audience with one’s lord” (御目見得 omemie) status. In pre-modern Japan, the right to formally meet with nobility was extremely important in the class system.


However, I would not say that Yasuke was a very important figure in the Oda clan. What Yasuke received was a stipend (Ietada Nikki and the Sonkeikaku copy), and there is no evidence he received any land. In other words, he was not a landowner.*85 Also, he didn’t have a surname, which was not strictly necessary if he was a lower-ranking warrior (bushi), but certainly suggests he was not a higher-ranking warrior. Neither he was a warrior lord (武将 busho) (Mexia’s letter).  Above all, we have the plain fact that we cannot find his name in the Oda clan-related documents, which have survived until today in vast amount.


From the above factors, we can infer that he was probably not a mere household servant, but less than a high-ranking warrior. If we approve the veracity of the Sonkeikaku copy, that would decisively endorses this inference. In that case, whether or not he was a “samurai” would simply depend on what definition of samurai you choose. However, this point exceeds the scope of this article, the examination of direct documentations on Yasuke. So I’ll pass over this subject to Appendix. But, apart from he was a samurai or not, I’d like to discuss what his actual roles was as a retainer of the Oda clan, as the last point of this section.

What was Yasuke's role?


It is true that he had a certain position, at least formally, but it is not clear what roles he played in the Oda clan on a daily basis. However, he accompanied Nobunaga on his way home from the Battle of Takeda, and also on his trip to Kyoto just before the Honnoji Incident. The Sonkeikaku copy, too, says “he was sometimes seen in the role of Lord Nobunaga's weapon bearer.” So we have to say he certainly seems to have served Nobunaga closely. Then, it is also plausible that he have spent his days mingled with Nobunaga's adjutants (近習 kinju). The problem is that the roles of adjutants do not quite match the position of Yasuke.


Adjutant (近習 kinju) was a general term used at that time to refer to people who served at his lord’s side and was engaged in personal care and secretarial work. Among adjutant, the most typical position was page (kosho), and their essential duty was to take care of and do choirs for their lord. Pages also served as bodyguard during the war, and in fact, they died in the battle at Honno-ji Temple. Horse guards and bureaucrats too, if they worked at Nobunaga's side, were called adjutants. Other than that, priests who had a position as a lower-ranking retainer, called Doboshu (同朋衆), was also a part of Nobunaga's adjutants, but since Yasuke was clearly not a Buddhist priest, it is irrelevant here.


According to historian Taniguchi, the duties of adjutants under Nobunaga's command can be divided into the following seven categories. First, the most basic job was the intermediation to relay visitors to Nobunaga. Second, “issuance of a supplementary letter,” which meant to supplement Nobunaga’s orders and notifications with the surrounding context and details. In many cases, the assignment of this duty was determined by each of the destination of the orders. Third, the role of envoy to the enemy and his allies was also important, and there was no guarantee of life if dispatched to the enemy territory. Fourth, the field inspector, who watches over the fighting of warrior lords in the battlefield when Nobunaga was not present. This position basically did not involve taking a part in the battle. Fifth, receiving and entertaining visitors and messengers, a similar role with the messenger in that it was a diplomatic duty. Sixth, there were various administrative duties. And seventh, Nobunaga's personal caretaker. Taniguchi did not mention it, but I think it would be good to add the duty of bodyguard in the battlefield to make an eighth.


When we look at it this way, you will see that even if you are a vassal of a warrior clan, your job is not all about fighting. Of these roles, Yasuke wouldn’t be suitable to handle administrative or diplomatic duties, considering his medium ability of Japanese tongue. That leaves the roles of personal caretaker and bodyguard, and these two were the work of pages. However, pages were usually the role of young sons of warriors, and Yasuke was a little older than that. And even if one was a page, that entailed to be able to handle administrative and diplomatic duties. A page did not quite match Yasuke.


Some people firmly resist to the view that Yasuke was a samurai, but as a matter of reality, many mysteries remains about the roles he actually played under Nobunaga. Nevertheless, historical materials show that he was treated as a retainer with a certain rank. After all, I presume that he was, as a person of foreign origin, a kind of special appointment, and our attempt to simply try to shove him into somewhere in the structure of the Japanese warrior households might not work. If I may make a rough analogy, it would be rather pointless to argue whether Roustam Raza, who was from Mamluk and served as a bodyguard and valet for Napoleon I, was a commissioned officer or a non-commissioned officer in the French Grande Armée.


Opinions of historians


To the best of my knowledge, I know of four academic historians with solid backgrounds and accomplishments who have shared their opinions on Yasuke. Mihoko Oka, Yu Hirayama, Yuichi Goza, and Hiraku Kaneko. I have quoted many of their arguments in this article. What do they think of Yasuke?

Opinion of Hiraku Kaneko


Professor Hiraku Kaneko said about Yasuke's position, referring mainly to Shincho-ki and Ietada Nikki, that “I can't say for sure whether he was really in the position of samurai from what is written here (in those historical materials).” That makes Professor Kaneko’s position a non-committal one. that is, due to the conspicuously scarce amount of historical materials, a definite statement is impossible..


That being said, it is also true that Professor Kaneko highly evaluate the general reliability of the Sonkeikaku copy, and from the description that Yasuke sometimes served as a weapon-bearer for Nobunaga, he surmise Yasuke's duty in the Oda clan as a page (小姓 kosho), and from the description that he received a private residence, he said, “you could 'guess' that he was in the position of a decent samurai.” As for the definition of samurai, Professor Kaneko basically regards samurai and warrior (武士 bushi) in the Sengoku period as the same thing.

Opinion of Yu Hirayama


Professor Yu Hirayama has asserted that historical records indicate Yasuke was a “samurai” in the service of Nobunaga. The most important evidence is the extra passage of the Sonkeikaku copy and the fact that Yasuke had an audience with Nobunaga. Professor Hirayama also rejects the idea that the description in the Sonkeikaku copy was a fabrication made based on Ietada Nikki.


However, I am aware that professor Hirayama uses “samurai” as the general term that refers to retainers who serve warrior households with combatant status, and he did not call Yasuke a warrior (武士 bushi). Professor Hirayama seems to have estimated Yasuke's status as relatively low among the four historians I mention in this section.

Opinion of Yuichi Goza


Professor Goza points out that if the description in the Sonkeikaku copy is true, Yasuke was clearly treated as a warrior (武士 bushi) or samurai. In this respect, Professor Goza and Professor Hirayama are basically in agreement.


Professor Goza, however, cations that the only historical document that clearly indicate that Yasuke was retained as a warrior (武士 bushi) or samurai is the Sonkeikaku copy. He points out that the Sonkeiaku copy's extra passages contain important information, and cautious about the theory that the passage on Yasuke were deleted from other copies of “Shincho-Ki” because of its insignificance.


On discussing the status of Yasuke, Professor Goza is skeptical about the very idea of trying to impose the Japanese status system on Yasuke. However, Professor Goza also gives a certain credit to the belief that Yasuke played the role of Nobunaga's bodyguard, rushed to Nobutada's side after Nobunaga's death, and fought with him. Other than that, Professor Goza highlights the description that Nobunaga “spoke with him insatiably” (Mexia’s letter), too.


Based on the above points, Professor Goza concludes that Yasuke's role as a retainer was “like a combination of bodyguard and otogisyu.” This “otogishu” refers to a group of intellectuals and cultural figures who entertained their lord with conversation, and they were one step aside from the class system of warrior household society.*87 In this way, Professor Goza believes that the position of Yasuke was a kind of special appointment, and that his samurai status was something of formality. This view of Professor Goza, that Yasuke's position was a kind of special treatment, is in common with Professor Hirayama, and Professor Oka, whom I will discuss next, too, have expressed a similar opinion.

Opinion of Mihoko Oka


Although Professor Oka does not elaborate on Yasuke's status in details, she believes that he was a “selected man” because of his often positive reputations in the historical records. Some of the points that I have not mentioned yet in this section include his “looked robust and had a good demeanor” (Shincho-ki) and the fact that Yasuke was urged to ride horse (Frois’s letter). Conversely, the only description in which he is clearly undermined is Mitsuhide's “beast” remark (Carrion’s report).*89


To begin with, the valets of the Jesuit missionaries were carefully selected ones. Jesuit missions traveled and took actions in completely foreign countries, and Europeans at that time had a culture of showing off prestige by bringing along impressive entourage. Considering that Yasuke was a former valet of Valignano, it is not unnatural to imagine that Yasuke had some superior qualities that would have caught Nobunaga's attention.


Appendix: Definition of "Samurai"


Ever since the announcement of featuring Yasuke as (one of) the main characters of “Assassin's Creed: Shadows,” a new video game by a major game company Ubisoft, controversy about Yasuke never ceases on the Internet in 2024. The main focus of it seems to be whether or not he was a “samurai.” But what exactly was a samurai in the first place? Whether Yasuke had or had not a “samurai” status would depend on what definition of “samurai” you adopts.


The word “samurai” is a corruption of the verb saburau, which meant “to serve” nibilities. In the early Medieval period, samurai were retainers who served nobility but were below the rank of nobility themselves. Later, this word became a generic term for retainers who served a warrior household, and in the Early Modern period, the terms “samurai” and “bushi (武士 warrior)” became almost synonymous. (The period Yasuke served Nobunaga was the end of the Middle period, or beggining of the Early Modern period, depending on how you look it.) We know of an explanation by Oyamada Tomokiyo, a scholar in the Edo period. It is in his “Matsuya-writing,” a series of essays written from the early to mid-19th century.





The reason we came to call a warrior "samurai" is that, the word "samurai" originally referred to a retainer who attended nobility, but in later years, all warriors came to be called "samurai".

(My English translation)


The term “bushi (武士)” meant hereditary professional warriors, who effectively ruled Medieval to Early Modern Japan, and people called them collectively as “buke (武家),” a warrior household. They were known to be similar to knights or banded aristocrats in the West, in that they excelled in military arts and they organized communities based on blood and feudal system.*91


The Sengoku period was an era where the traditional class system became fluid, and the boundary between samurai and bushi was accodingly not clear. That‘s way Japanese historians tended, traditionally, to consider the two during the Sengoku period were one and the same. Let us call this the theory of (1) "Samurai ≒ warrior."


On the other hand, another definition, currently rather popular one, hold this view: since the word samurai was originally associated with the upper classes of social order, only the upper echelon of warriors (bushi) were samurai. If we adopt this view, we would distinguish samurai from lower-ranking bushi by the privileges such as bearing a surname, waring two swords at his side, and so on. In this definition, samurai are only a part of bushi. So let's call it the theory of “(2) samurai ⊆ bushi.”

 この二つの説はどちらも幅広く普及している。例えば自動翻訳で「武士」と入力すると"samurai"と出力される。では弥助が信長に仕えた時代にはどちらが正しい定義だったのだろうか? 現在の日本史学界はどちらの定義を採用しているのだろうか。答えはどちらももはや定説ではない、である。歴史学者高木昭作氏が1980年代に行った研究によれば法的には「侍」は「若党」のことなのだ。

Both of these two theories are widespread. For example, if you type in “武士 bushi” into machine translation, it will outputs “samurai.” Now, which one is correct? Which definition do our contemporary academic Japanese historians adopt? The answer is neither. As academic theories both stand no more. Shosaku Takagi, a historian, conducted a study in the 1980s and concluded that “samurai” meant, legally, “wakato.”

Samurai in shogunate's acts


According to Takagi's research, as a legal word “samurai” was synonymus with the word “wakato” (若党; waka = young, to = party; hereinafter I will translate it as “esquire,” for it is the best analogy in the West). Wakato refered to high-ranking “buke-houkou-nin” (武家奉公人 warrior’s household servant; buke = warrior household, houkou = serve, nin = person) who qualified as combatants. Generally, household servants served a particular bushi, their lord, but were without a bushi (warrior) status themselves. Their daily job was to do chores for their lord, and in wartime, their main role was just to carry luggeges and weapons for their lord, the warrior.*93


Wakato were a subtype within the category of household servants, to be sure, but had a special status. According to professor Takagi, wakato were not required to carry their lord's luggages or weapons.*95 They were also clearly distinguished from other household servants in other aspects. For example, if and when they committed a crime while employed as wakato, they were punished as a warrior (武士 bushi). I will show you, from Takagi’s study, some examples of laws and regulations of Tokugawa Shogunate.





The act of “15th of Keicho, 4th month, 2nd”
That, you are not allowed to employ any seasonal servant, including, not to mention samurai, but mid-servants and menials as well.
 Supplementary provision: If you seek to serve anyone, it is illegal, and will be punished, to do so with signing a contract for a single season only.
(source: ”Dai nihon siryo” 12-7, 139P)

The act of “2nd of Genna, 10th month”
That, warriors should not keep any seasonal employees, including, not to mention wakato, but also mid-servants or menials.
(source: ”Dai nihon siryo” 12-25, 702P)

(My English translation)


The wording of these two laws are quite similar, and when we compare them, it is clear that samurai and wakato (若党 esquire) were synonymous terms. Both clauses are part of laws that are known as the “one-season residence prohibition,” and the shognate issued similarly worded laws a countless number of times.*97

In addition to the seasonal servant prohibition, the following historical document also shows that the terms samurai and wakato were synonymous: it uses samurai interchangeably with wakato in the same one law.

一 弐百石 侍壱人
一 三百石ゟ四百石迄 同二人(中略)

一 一千石ゟ千七百石迄 同四人(中略)








The ordinance of “5th of Kan-ei, 2nd month, 9th”
That, you can be accompanied by one samurai (侍) if you are a warrior (武士 bushi) of 200 koku or below.
That, you can be accompanied by two samurai if you are a warrior of 300 to 400 koku [...]
That, you can be accompanied by four samurai if you are a warrior of 1,000 to 1,700 koku. [...]
As stated above, when traveling to and from Edo, you may take some wakato (若党) with you. You may take fewer than this, but may not exceed it.

(My English translation)


We all know that warriors (武士 bushi) took servants with them when they went out. This decree required them to constrain their entourage under a certain number of people in ordinary times, except on special situations such as when the warrior has a post of government official. We can clearly see that samurai and wakato refers to the same thing here in this law.

Esquire in the Tale of Common Sodiers


Now, If we think samurai was a synonym with wakato (若党 esquire), then what kind of people were wakato? According to Takagi, the basis that wakato distinguished themselves from other ordinary household servants (武家奉公人 buke-houkou-nin) involved the fact that they were combatants. Regarding this point, we have "Zohyo Monogatari" (雑兵物語 The Story of Common Soldiers), a war chronicle written in the earler Edo period, as a first class historical source on the fighting styles of lowly common soldiers of the time. Now, I will show you two excerpts from it.

草履取 嘉助(中略)



草履取り 加助(中略)




Sandal-bearer Kasuke (嘉助)

When the hand-to-hand combat began, my master said, "Keep this gun to your waist, I am now charging into the battle and I will be the spearhead!" Then I said, "Then, I will do flank spear (assist your attack) with this gun. Give me a bullet and gunpowder." He scolded me furiously, saying, "You’re no flank spearer , you cheeky one!" I had no choice but to sit around and watch

(My English translation)


Kasuke, a sandal-bearer, thoughtfully offered his direct assistance to his master’s battle, but for his master, that was nothing but overstepping of the line of authority, and the poor sandal-bearer got a severe reprimand for that. His job was just to carry around the gun which his master had no use during in close combats. In contrast, in the same book esquires (wakato) are described as follows.



Kasuke-dono (a wakato character in this book: 加助; the name’s pronounciation is same but it’s a different Kasuke from the Sandal-bearer Kasuke) did a good job. He took off enemy's head with his flank spear, even outshining all other illustrious warriors.

(I made this English translation from historian’s modern Japanese translation. The differences between the original text and this translation will be explained later.)


This Kasuke was praised not only for assisting the attack but also for the very reason he successfully killed an enemy. The term “wakato” originally referred to young sons of warriors, but it was possible for a wakato, a servant, to achieve war merits on the battlefield and got promoted to a genuine warrior (bushi) rank. While the former Kasuke remained a servant just watching his master fought, the latter Kasuke might have been promoted in no time after that.*99


It was a great shock to historians - Takagi's theory that samurai and warriors were separate entities radically challenged the previously established theories. But Takagi's theory, at least the point that the two were separate in the legal sense, has become an accepted theory in Japanese historian communities. Let us call it the theory of (3) samurai = wakato.

Order of 8th month, Tensho 19

 ③侍=若党説は弥助が信長に仕えた時期の織田家を考察する上でも有効なのだろうか? これらの法令を幕府が制定した時代と弥助が信長に仕えた時代は離れている。だが高木氏は少なくとも、この法的「侍」定義は豊臣政権期にも通用したと考えている。秀吉が制定した次の法令を見れば、条文が幕府法令と似通っていることは一目瞭然だ。

Is the (3) “samurai = wakato” theory valid for examining the Oda clan during the period Yasuke served Oda Nobunaga? The two periods, when these laws were enacted by the shogunate and when Yasuke served Nobunaga, has a gap. Professor Takagi believes, though, that this legal definition of samurai was valid as early as during the Toyotomi administration. The wording of following statute enacted by Toyotomi Hideyoshi clearly shows similarity to that of the shogunate statutes.





That, If and when any former servants, including samurai, mid-servant, menials, and arashiko, were found to have became new townspeople or peasants after the Oshu campaign in July of this year, they should be investigated by local townspeople and villagers, and should not be allowed to live in the town or village. If they hide it, the town/village will be punished.

(My English translation)


Based on the phrasing of this statute, and on the similarity with the aforementioned shogunate statutes, Professor Takagi proclaimed that the said “servants, samurai, mid-servant, menial, arashiko”*103in this statue were all subtypes of warrior household servants, and that the main purpose of this statute was to prevent them from fleeing from warrior households.*104 In this connection, Takagi also believed that another purpose of this statute was to keep human resources for a future war, since the timing of this statute was just one year before Hideyoshi invaded the Korean Peninsula.*105


In summary, if we examine the clauses of the laws concerning servants during the periods of the Toyotomi government and the Tokugawa shogunate, we can see that the term “samurai” referrd to “wakato” (若党 esquire), a subtype of household servant, and that they were not same with warriors (武士 bushi). We also recognize that the Toyotomi gorvetment and the Tokugawa shognate were continuous as to these statues. And, since Toyotomi Hideyoshi was a former retainer of the Oda clan, and his administration succeded that of Nobunaga, we cannot ignore Takagi's theory when considering the status of Yasuke in the Oda clan.


So, have the emergence of the “samurai = wakato” theory made the theories of "samurai ≒ bushi" and "samurai ⊆ bushi" completely obsolete? I don’t think quite so. These old theories also have their bases that are hard to ignore.

Again, samurai in the Tale of Common Sodiers


First, let's re-examine the theory of (1) samurai ≒ bushi. As a basic premise, the basis for this theory is the laws. It is quite possible that the definition of samurai as a legal term and the general usage by people did not match. Let's take another look at the Story of Common Soldiers.

鎗擔小頭 長柄源内左衛門(中略)



槍担ぎ小頭 長柄源内左衛門(中略)



吉田豊訳『原本現代語訳 雑兵物語他』P40)

Gennaizaemon the pikeman, the platoon sergeant of a pike infantry

[...]You know, battles with spears open with the charge of samurai!
Also, never think like spears are only for thrusting. Sync your movements with everybody around you, keep your spearhead aligned with theirs, and strike down the enemy from above. Don’t even think about thrusting! If ever you’re one-on-one, or one-on-two, on a sudden encounter, thrusting may be fine. But in a battle of many spears, it's best to swing down in time with the others! [...]

In places like Edo city, the guys who carry the “tools” for his samurai is dressed as if they were spear-wielders like us, and paid a high salary for. But in the real battlefield, these guys’re just carrying the spear for their master, not for their own use. On the other hand, pike infantry (槍足軽 yari-ashigaru) like us can wield our pikes as we please, so we're no different from illustorious samurai. You'd better brace yourself and make sure you don't fall behind!.
Also, when you are just a spear-bearer for your samurai, using the spear for yourself means you're no better than a coward who panics. Just carry it carefully and never fight! Make sure you understand these two principles!

(My English translation)


Apparently, Gennaizaemon*108 is pepping up and teaching ropes for his men as the ploon sergeant (小頭)*109 of pike infantry. Infantry (足軽 ashigaru) literally means “light foot” in Japanese, and historians believe they were originally no better than mercenaries hired by warrior households for arson and looting. But during the Sengoku period, weapons suitable for group tactics such as pikes (long spear) and guns became widespread, and they became a kind of foot soldiers fighting side-to-side with warriors (bushi). As combatants, their rank was higher than that of lower-ranking servants such as sandal bearers, but they were still lower than warriors. They probably carried their own luggage themselves.

 この長柄源内左衛門が部下たちに語っているところによれば、長柄槍隊よりも先に「お歴々のお侍衆」が戦闘に加入するのだという。彼らが足軽とは別個の集団であることは明らかだが、高木説に従って考えれば彼らは若党なのだろうか? ここで、先程引用した若党である加助の部分の「原文」を見てみよう。

According to Gennaizaemon the pikeman, usually the “illustrious samurai” will engage in the battle before pike infantries. Clearly samurai are a separate group from the infantrymen (足軽 ashigaru). If we follow Takagi's theory, these samurai are the same with esquires. Are they really? Let's take a look at the “original text” of the part about Kasuke the esquire that I quoted earlier.

若黨 左助



若党 左助


吉田豊訳『原本現代語訳 雑兵物語他』P77)

Esquire Sasuke (左助)
Well, well, Esquire Kasuke(加助), you did a splendid job bro. You served as a flank spearer and, with the exloits that surpassed even the most illustrious of the samurai, you took an enemy's head. You, a retainer, and your master both did a good job. [...] As my master was in the second echelon, I saw very clearly that your master was the first one to thrust his spear in, and that you assited him as his flank spearer.

(My English translation. In the original text, it is written as "侍 (samurai)", but in the modern Japanese translation quoted earlier, it was translated as "bushi (武士 warrior)".)


The esquire Kasuke was praised for his exploits that even surpassed “samurai” around him, so the “samurai” were not esquires here. Also, the samurai here are depicted as being looked up to by the infantrymen and esquires, even though the latter two are combatants themselves. Therefore, clearly the word “samurai” refers to warriors (bushi), at least in the Story of Common Soldiers. The word “samurai” frequently appears in this story, and as far as I have confirmed and judging from the context, all the instances refers to warriors (bushi).


The Story of Common Soldiers was written in the mid-17th century, and the manner of talking is extremely colloquial,  the way common people of the eastern Japan at the time spoke. For this reason, it is not surprising that the usage “samurai” in this historical document does not match the definition of the word “samurai” as a legal term, as established in Takagi's treatises. It plainly indicates that in general usage there were cases the word “samurai” was a synonym with “bushi”.

"Samurai" in the Jesuit dictionary


Next, we will look at the theory of (2) "samurai ⊆ warrior." The main source for this theory is the "Vocabulário da Língua do Japão," a Japanese-Portuguese dictionary created by the Jesuits.*111 It was compiled over several years to help with their missionary work in Japan, and was completed in the early 1600s.

Buxi (武士 bushi) Soldado (Soldier 軍人)

Saburai (侍 Samurai) Fidalgo (Nobleman 貴人) 

(日葡辞書より抜粋し括弧内は筆者が補った。Quoted from "Vocabulário da Língua do Japão". I have supplemented English-Japanese in parentheses.)

 Soldado は現代英語のソルジャーに相当する語である。また Fidalgo は貴人だが、岡氏に質問したところこれは土地や財産などを持った上級武士を指している。欧州でいえば、下限としては爵位のない上流階級ぐらいまでを含む語であるとのことである。

“Soldado” is the equivalent of the modern English word “soldier,” and “Fidalgo” is “nobleman.” But when I asked professor Oka about it, she said that while the latter do refer to nobility, they were also high-ranking warriors who owned their own land and property. In Europe, she said, it was a word whose lower bound was upper classes without titles.


If we take these entries of this Portuguese-Japanese dictionary at face value, it would become extremely difficult to think that samurai were below bushi and a kind of servants. Certainly, it might be possible that the Jesuits just misunderstood Japanese language. But it’s also true that this dictionary is a historical document with a certain degree of reliability, and we cannot just dismiss it as a simple mistake.*113

Go-hojo conscription order of 1587

 これについて筆者は当初 fidalgo が saburai というのは地侍のことではないかと考えていた。地侍とは当時の村落共同体における上位層を指す言葉である。彼らは名字を名乗り、刀を二本指し*114、一般農民であるところの凡下と自分たちを区別していた。次に掲げるのは後北条氏天正15年(1587年)七月晦日付で領内に発した「北条家定書き」のうち、相模西郡の栢山(かやま)村に出された一通である。

As I said just now, This Portuguese-Japanese dictionary tells us that “saburai (samurai)” was “fidalgo (nobleman),” but I first suspected that perhaps this “saburai” might have meant country samurai (地侍 jizamurai; ji = local). Country samurai meant the upper class of the village community at the time. They had surnames, wore two swords*115, and distinguished themselves from the commoners (凡下 bonge), which meant ordinary peasants. The following instruction is an instance of the “Hojo clan Regulations” issued by the Go-Hojo clan in their territory in 1587 (15th Tensho), on the last day of the 7th month, for Kayama village in the west Sagami county (a west part of Kanagawa prefecture now).














One. The village must submit names of two men who in the event of a state emergency should be conscribed, and regardless of the two being samurai (侍) or commoners (凡下 bonge).
Two. The two men may use any of the following weapons: bow, spear, or gun. However, spears shorter than two ken (approx. 3.6 meters) unacceptable, regardless of bamboo or wooden handles. The two men should be the age between 15 and 70, and should be selected from the ones such as retainers or servants of Kenmon (kanmon = houses of power; such as nobles, temples, shrines, and warriors), ones who are not currently serving as a soldier, and merchants and artisans.
Three. The two men should be equipped with a banner on their waist as if they were warriors (bushi).
Four. If you submit weak men such as coolies and deliberately keeps the good men (ones with strong build) in the village for your own good, we will cut the head of the minor official in charge of this village as soon as we find it.
FIve. If the two men work hard and well, we will reward them with things of their wishes, regardless of they are a samurai or a commoner.

(My English translation)


It is a conscription order that mainly targetted peasants issued by the Go-Hojo clan, one of the powerful warrior households at that time. When we look at this text,*117 clearly “samurai” refer to the upper class of peasants. And it is also clear that the instruction to euip them “as if they were warriors (bushi)” indicates these “samurai” are not same with warriors (bushi).


But why in the world did the upper class in rural villages call themselves “samurai”? It has something to do with the etymology of the word samurai. I have already explained that the word originally meant “to serve (nobility).” But before the Sengoku period, to be exact from the Heian period to the Kamakura period, people used the word “samurai”  for people with a position of sixth rank or lower in the court rank system of the Imperial Court. Nobles had  fifth rank or above, so “samurai” were just below them, but having a court rank meant they were government officials, which made them above the general public.


As a influence of this usage, after the Kamakura period “samurai” became a term to refer to the upper classes of society. To put it in the other way around, “samurai” became an antonym of commoners (bonge).  So maybe, I suspect, could it be that the Jesuit missionaries heard the local gentry being called or call themselves “samurai,” and made a entry into their dictionary that “samurai” were “nobles”?


But there is a clear evidence contrary to this suspicion of mine.  A letter written by Frois on April 14, 1581, which I have already cited, describes the scene where noblemen greeted Valignano and his group from horseback. These noblemen are referred to as “fidalgos” in the original text, and in this context they are clearly high-ranking warriors. It at least proves that the missionaries did not use “fidalgo” only for country samurai.



Based on all the above discussion, I’ll tantatively and roughly sort out the order of ranks in the societal system of warrior households, from the top to the bottom, as follows.

大名(daimyo) feudal lords
武将(busho) warrior lords
上士(jo-shi) mounted warriors
徒士(kachi) foot warriors
若党(wakato)(侍)esquires (samurai)
足軽(ashigaru) infantrymen
中間(chugen) mid-servants
小者(komono) menial servants


Among them, I’d categorize from feudal lords to lower-ranking warriors as so-called "warriors (bushi)," and esquires, mid-servants, and menials as "warrior household servants (buke-houkou-nin)," whose job was to serve bushi. I have placed the status of esquire (wakato) above infantryman, because esquires were combatants and sometimes treated as warriors (bushi), though only during they worked as wakato. Since infantrymen (ashigaru) were combatants, they were probably higher than mid-servant and menials.


 If we adopt the theory of (1) "Samurai ≒ warrior,” the upper three ranks are clearly samurai, but lower-ranking warriors and esquires are a bit difficult to decide whether or not they are samurai. If we adopt the theory of (2) “samurai ⊆ bushi,” higher-ranking warriors and the above are samurai. In the case of the theory of (3) “samurai = wakato (esquire),” samurai means only esquire, at least in legal perspective. Currently, Japanese historians approves (3) as a standard theory. But for me, (1) and (2) seem not so completely groundless.


According to professor Goza, today’s Japanese historical academia prefer to define the term “samurai” in a broader sense. It’s because, for example, if we define samurai narrowly, explaining “jizamurai (local samurai),” who were in essence merely armed villagers, as a kind of samurai would become a bit difficult. Based on Takagi's theory, Professor Hirayama adopts a definition that “samurai” was a general term for the warrior households’ retainers whose speciality was military arts, and that “warrior (bushi)” was high-ranking samurai. Which makes professor Hirayama’s therory a new one, that is, the theory of (4) samurai ⊇ bushi. For me, considering the wide range of historical usages of the word “samurai,” this last definition, samurai ⊇ warriors, feels most reasonable among the four definitions I have discussed so far. If we adopt this difinition, “samurai” includes all the people including and above wakato in the ranking order, making the range of “samurai” pretty broad. Even within the label of “samurai,” there were considerably huge disparities of classes – if we adopt this theory, that is.


I’d like to conclude this appendix by discussing the status of Yasuke again. In the examination of historical materials, I have concluded that Yasuke was neither a high-ranking warrior nor a low-ranking servant. Also, since infantrymen (ashigaru) in the Sengoku period were mercenaries recruited for military service, Yasuke, who received a stipend from Nobunaga, was not one of them. Which makes Yasuke not above high-ranking warriors, nor below infantryman. I have only two options left for his status. He was a low-ranking warrior (such as foot warrior and household vassal), or he was an esquire (wakato). Whether or not one or both of the two ranks were “samurai” depends on which definition you adopt from the ones we have discussed so far.


I’d like to adopt (4) samurai ⊇ bushi theory, and though I don’t know  whether Yasuke was same rank with foot warriors (徒士 kachi) or same rank with esquires (wakato), , in either case that puts Yasuke in the category of “samurai.” Of course, other theories have their own grounds, so I have no objection if you adopt other definitions and come to different conclusions. And this is only a matter of his status in formal meaning, and as I have already discussed in this article, it is still unclear what roles he actually played under Nobunaga. I’d like to set that a topic for future articles.


Sources and Reference



榊山潤『現代語訳 信長公記(全)』ちくま学芸文庫(2017)

The Chronicle of Lord Nobunaga, Brill Academic Pub, 2011


Cartas que os padres e irmãos da Companhia de Jesus escreverão dos reynos de Japão & China aos da mesma Companhia da India & Europa, desdo anno de 1549 atè o de 1580, etc. (Segunda parte das cartas de Japão, do anno 1581-1589.). Evora, 1598




François Solier. Histoire ecclésiastique des isles et royaumes du Japon, 1627

Jean Crasset. Histoire de L’ Eglise du Japon, 1689

キリスト教に関する導入書、すなわち日本宣教の始まりとその上長たちについての書 1549年8月15日から1744年8月31日まで』アジュダ図書館所蔵史料
Biblioteca da Ajuda, Lisboa. Jesuítas na Ásia 49-IV-55. Livro Primeiro da Christandade, digo do principio da Missão do Japão e Superiores della, começando em quinze de agosto de mil quinhentos e quarenta e nove, annos 1549 athe o trinta e hum de agosto de mil settecentos e quarenta e quatro 1744 annos.

ローマイエズス会文書館所蔵史料 Archivum Romanum Societatis Iesu, Jap Sin 7 III, fl. 225v.




吉田豊訳『原本現代訳 雑兵物語他』教育社(1987)

『日葡辞書』Vocabulário da Língua do Japão


To non-Japanese readers

You can read (or at least, view) the Ikeda autograph copy of "Shincho-ki" and "Ietada Nikki" on the Internet, but they are written in cursive style characters in medieval Japanese that can only be read by those with special training. The Sonkeikaku copy is under a special care and accessible only for researchers who have submitted an application. I did not read the original texts directly but relied on professional transcriptions.

In short, it would be extremely difficult for foreigners to access the original Japanese materials directly. However, it seems there is an English translation of "Shincho-ki," which is "The Chronicle of Lord Nobunaga" published by Brill Academic Pub in 2011. Although I don't know which version of "Shincho-ki" this translation used as its original texts, I recommend that you check it out if you are interested.

"Zohyo Monogatari" (The Story of Common Soldiers) is the most important historical material on the actual life of low-ranking soldiers and servants in the Sengoku Period, as well as on the spoken language of the eastern Japan at that time. We cannot avoid this historical material when researching the armies of the Sengoku warriors.





岩沢 愿彦『家忠日記の原本について東京大学史料編纂所(1967)

ルシオ・デ・ソウザ/岡美穂子『大航海時代の日本人奴隷 増補新版』中公選書(2021)



鈴川博「菱田春草先祖の才能と堀飯田藩仕官の背景」『飯田市美術博物館研究紀要22:59-96』(2012. 3)





日本国語大辞典 第二版』小学館の以下の記事を参照した。


To non-Japanese readers

Unfortunately, all materials I have listed above in this "References" section are in Japanese. I don't know of any good books on Yasuke written in any languages other than Japanese.

Almost all information in English concerning Yasuke, including articles of famous media outlets, is under the influence of Thomas Lockley, whose writings and speeches are sometimes not so easy to distinguish between historical facts, plausible inferences thereof, and his own speculations extended thereof.

I highly recommend Professor Hiraku Kaneko (金子拓)'s book, a tour de force of the comparative study of Shincho-ki, for readers who want to know more about discussion about the reliability of the Sonkeikaku copy, although reading it may not be easy for non-Japanese.

For the discussion on the definition of samurai, see the article by Shosaku Takagi and Kazusa Hiragi’s book.

The Internet things I've read


Yu Hirayama平山優氏のSNSアカウント@HIRAYAMAYUUKAINの弥助に関する発言

Mihoko Oka岡美穂子氏のSNSアカウント@mei_gang30266の弥助に関する発言

和文史料の読み下しと現代語訳については北見花芽弥助全資料 ~『信長公記』『家忠日記』『イエズス会日本年報』『日本教会史』~(うきよのおはなし~江戸文学が崩し字と共に楽しく読めるブログ~)が大変参考になった。

desaixjp「尊経閣本と家忠日記」「弥助を洗った史料など」(祖国は危機にあり(La patrie en danger) 関連blog)は『家忠日記』とアジュダ文書の来歴について極めて重要な情報を提供している。

K'sBookshelf資料 本能寺の変



ゲームさんぽ /よそ見「【基礎知識】そもそも「史料」ってどういうものですか?/さんぽ史料学📚前編」「弥助に関する史料をちゃんと読んでみよう/さんぽ史料学📚後編では金子拓氏が弥助に関連する史料について解説しており、参考にした。

negi.moe「弥助に関する全歴史的資料 All historical documents related to Yasuke」は私が本記事を執筆するきっかけを与えてくれた。ただしこの動画の翻訳と史料解釈については同意しがたい部分が少なくない。

To non-Japanese readers

The online sources I have listed above are relatively accessible to non-Japanese. With the use of machine translation, you will be able to grasp the contents to some extent. I recommend the essays by Professor Yuichi Goza (呉座勇一) in particular, whose opinions I have cited three times in a row at the beginning of this article, because his writings are well-organized sources of information.

In the blog post of Haname Kitami (北見花芽), Japanese historical materials on Yasuke are translated into modern Japanese. If you can't read the original texts, but at least want to check out the modern Japanese translations, this post is there for you.

The last video listed at the bottom has a lot of translation problems. However, this video inspired me to write this article, and I have listed it here as a token of my respect.


Editing history


In late September 2024, the article was significantly expanded and rewritten. There were quite a few changes in the main points of the argument. The added parts are as follows: discussions related to the Sonkeikaku copy, an overview of economic systems in the Sengoku period, a summary of opinions of historians, newly discovered historical materials that Nobunaga ordered to wash Yasuke's skin, and an appendix on the definition of' samurai' that is not directly related to Yasuke. In addition, the existing parts were significantly changed, but the changes were so extensive that they are not described here in detail. The Japanese text was almost completed as of September 28, but the newly added English text is almost exactly the output of the machine translation, and there are a lot of problems. This will be corrected in the future. P.S. on the same day: He corrected the part where he explained that the theory that samurai was not bushi is the current established theory, and the part where jizamurai (country samurai) said it was a synonym of dogo (gentry).


On September 29, I revised the Japanese and English translations of "Shinchoki." I also organized the discussion on the theory of referring to the Ietada diary of Sonkeikaku. There are countless other minor corrections that I can't write all of here.


On October 1, the chapter structure was changed. In addition, the author's own essay on the reliability of the Sonkeikakubon was added. There are many other minor changes, but they are not related to the thesis and are not described.






*3:No historical materials have been found that describes in detail how and when Yasuke came to Japan. However, since he accompanied them to Valignano, it is known from the records of the Society of Jesus that they came to Japan in 1579.

*4:Before the Sengoku period, Japan had dual central governments, the Imperial Court and the Shogunate. The Imperial Court had been the supreme authority since ancient times, but from around the 13th century, its political power was usurped by the rising warrior class, and the Shogunate, a bushi (武士 warrior) government, came to rule warriors, and by extension the rest of people, through the feudal system. As the consequence of extremely complicated processes, the internal conflicts of the Shogunate that began in 1467, the Onin War, devastated Kyoto, where both the Imperial Court and the Shogunate had been located. That meant utter dysfunction of the central governments, marking the beginning of the Sengoku period.



*7:This book is usually known by the title "ShinchoKo-ki" (ko = an honorific) to distinguish it from "Hoan Shincho-Ki", which was another chronicles written by Hoan Oze based on Shincho-Ki. Hoan Shincho-Ki was circulated more widely than "Shincho-ki" during the Edo Period and greatly influenced on the iconic image of Oda Nobunaga, but historians consider its value as a historical material low because of its strongly Confucian influenced ideas and distorted facts. Professor Kaneko advocates  the position that we should call Gyuichi’s biography of Oda Nobunaga "Shincho Ki", and I follow his position in this article.

*8:Ota Gyuichi was known as a master of archery when he was young, and was once selected as one of the Rokuninshu (Six Martial Masters) under Nobunaga. Later, however, he came to work mainly in the field of documents, and became a bureaucrat (吏僚 riryo) under Niwa Nagahide, one of the elder vassals of the Oda clan. The term "bureaucrat (吏僚 riryo)" refers to people who were in charge of documents and administrative work in a warrior household. Although Gyuichi was not a very high-ranking vassal, he had a deep respect for Nobunaga, and he continued to revise Shincho-ki until his death in order to pass on the glory of his lord to future generations. Even though he wrote it for Nobunaga, his attitude was extremely sincere, and he wrote in his book that "I did not intentionally delete anything, nor did I create anything. If this is false, I will receive divine punishment." Modern historians highly value his works.


*10:The title of “shogun” was a government post of the Imperial Court, and its formal name was “Seii Taishogun” (the barbarian-subjugating general). This title was given to the commander-in-chief of the army dispatched by the Imperial Court to subdue the northern barbarians in ancient times. After Minamoto no Yoritomo, the head of a warrior household, was appointed as shogun in 1192, the title of shogun became the title of the de facto supreme authority in Japan. By the way, one of the famous shogun is Tamuramaro Sakagami, who became shogun in 797, but he was unrelated to the warrior class, which emerged in later ages. There is a strange theory, in the west, that Tamuramaro was a black man. The origin of this theory seems a paper entitled “The Contribution of the Negro to Human Civilization” (The Journal of Race Development, Vol. 1, No. 4. Apr, 1911) written by Alexander Francis Chamberlain. Apparently, this paper described Tamuramaro as a Negro (black person) without any evidence. This journal itself seems a bit problematic, since apparently it was strongly influenced by eugenicist ideas. No one in Japan seriously considers this theory. Sakanoue clan is surely one of the branch clans that split off from the Yamatonoayauji clan, which have a foreign origin, but we have no certain historical records about Tamuramaro's race, so it is impossible to know.



*13:Visitador is a title given to missionaries dispatched by the Society of Jesus to various places in order to inspect the state of missionary work in this period. Alessandro Valignano, a nobleman from the kingdom of Naples, was an important figure in the Society of Jesus at that time.



*16:Jun Sakakiyama made this modern-Japanese translation not from the Ikeda copy, but from “Gajikanga copy.” But there is no substantial defference between them as to this part.

*17:It does not mean he was literally able to beat ten people, but is rather a common phrase. The idiomatic expression of "the power of ten" is sometimes used even today.

*18:The translation cited above is not based on the Ikeda autograph copy, but this description is the same with the Ikeda copy.


*20:According to the "Sonkeikaku-bunko Kokusho Bunrui Mokuroku (The book catalog of Sonkeikaku-bunko)" compiled by the Marquis Maeda family in 1939 (14th of Showa), this library had seven archival copies of "Shincho-ki." Among them, “the Sonkeikaku copy” means the fifteen volumes set of "Shincho-ki," excluding those that do not match the history that Kazuhiro transcribed it. However, it is not impossible to think that Kazuhiro’ copy had been lost before the catalog was made,  and therefore the true transcriber of the Sonkeikaku copy was not Kazuhiro. For example, the ten volume set of "Azuchi-ki," which is one of the seven listed in the catalog, is currently missing.


*22:In premodern Japan, the name system was extremely complicated. Lineage name (氏 uji or 本姓 honsei), hereditary title which belonged to lineage name (姓 kabane), family name (家名 kamei) and surname (名字 myo-ji) were used in various combinations, in ways equivalent to the last name in English. And there were two types of name that corresponded to the first name in English: real given name (諱 imina) and pseudonym (仮名 kemyo). Warriors (武士 bushi) usually used surname and pseudonym. Lineage name, hereditary title and real given name were rarely used. Take for example the name of Nobunaga. The official full name he used at a point was “Taira no Ason Oda Kazusa no Suke Saburo Nobunaga” (平朝臣織田上総介三郎信長). Taira (平) is his lineage name, Ason (朝臣) is hereditary title belonged to that (however, it is highly possible that this was a falsely claimed name). Oda (織田) is the surname of his clan. Kazusa no Suke (上総介) is a government post in the Imperial Court, meaning vice governor of Kazusa Province, and Saburo (三郎) is the name derived from the fact that he was his farther's third son, both of the two are pseudonym, only either one was used at a time depending on the context. Nobunaga (信長) is his real given name, which people today call him by, but was rarely used in his lifetime.


*24:This “gold-encrusted sheath” (のし付 noshitsuki) meant, according to Professor Hirayama, an erabolate decoration that used thinly stretched gold and silver. And, he pointed out, though people conventionally considered this kind of swords to be a dagger (腰刀 koshi-gatana),  it actually might meant a long sword (太刀 tachi). In any case, receiving a sword from one's lord was an honor regardless of the size of the sword.


*26:In Shincho-ki, the word "yashiki (屋敷 mansion)" is used to refer to the house of a high-ranking warrior.


*28:Page (小姓 kosho) was a post held by young sons of warriors (武士 bushi). They served their lord as personal attendants and secretaries, and fought as their lord's bodyguard during wartime. For example, we can say that in many Domains (藩 han; a large unit of fiefdom) of the Edo Period, pages basically had a warrior status, but the lowest rank of that. More exactly, middle-page (中小姓 chu-gosho) was the lowest rank of warrior, and young-page (小小姓 ko-gosho) was yet to have a warrior status because they were before coming-of-age. According to historian Katsuhiro Taniguchi, the pages of the Oda clan were an elite group Nobunaga himself selected from the second sons and younger of his vassals, and Nobunaga often led them and horsegurads (馬廻 umamawari) to the front lines himself. Such guard troops also had the implication of officer candidates, and an example of that was Maeda Toshiie, who rose from a kosho to a feudal lord (大名 daimyo). We have no historical material that clearly show Yasuke as one of Nobunaga’s pages, but professor Kaneko infer Yasuke's status as a page. On the other hand, Professor Goza points out that Yasuke was a bit too old for being a kosho (they were basically teens), and is skeptical about the page theory.


*30:When Nobunaga was alive, the Tokugawa clan was an ally but a lesser clan than the Oda clan. However, Ieyasu survived and won out the Sengoku period, becoming the first shogun of the Tokugawa shogunate, which lasted for 260 years. For this reason, research on the copies of "Shincho-ki" proves that the copies made in the earlier years tend to name Ieyasu without  a title of honor, and the copies made in the later years tend to give some title of honor to Ieyasu. In the Ikeda copy, Ieyasu was named without a title only twice out of 46 times. On the other hand, the Sonkeikaku copy gave a title to him 26 times out of 44 times. This is consistent with Kaneko's theory that the Sonkeikaku copy preserves the older way. However, we have to note the Sonkeikaku copy generally tends not to use titles of honor, Ieyasu or not, in the first place. In addition, historians point out that  this kind of regularity is relevant only to the name of Ieyasu, and that the frequency of giving a title of honor to Nobunaga have no such pattern.


*32:You find this deer hunting passage at the beginning of volume 5. See Hiraku Kaneko, “Oda Nobunaga toiu rekishi,” p. 308


*34:It is a well known story that Toyotomi Hideyoshi rose from a humble beginning to the highest among the imperial subjects. In 1554, when Hideyoshi was 18 years old, he served Nobunaga as a menial servant (小者 komono) and was later promoted to a infantryman (足軽 ashigaru). Around the time of his marriage in 1561, he began to use the surname of Kinoshita, and in 1566, he was promoted to a commanding officer, due to the trust he earned with his great achievement in the Mino campaign. In 1573, he became a feudal lord with 120,000 koku and changed his surname to Hashiba. At this time, he led tens of thousands of troops as one of the six major corps commanders of the Oda army. In medieval Japan, where the class system strongly influenced, such a successful career was unheard of.


*36:Shogun Ashikaga Yoshiaki, who had been banished from Kyoto by Nobunaga, carried out political maneuvers to various feudal lords, and succeeded to turn several warlords hostile against the Oda clan. Among them was the Mori clan, who had established their power in the Chugoku region. They were deeply involved in Yoshiaki's exile shogunate, and fiercely fought against Hideyoshi, who led one of the six major corps of the Oda clan in this area. In 1582 (10th of Tensho), when the main force of the Mori army moved to the battle over Takamatsu Castle, an important base, Hideyoshi asked Nobunaga for support, and Nobunaga decided to go into battle himself.


*38:Valignano wrote in his letter, on October 30, 1588, to the President of the Society of Jesus, aobut Frois that "He prefers to write things in full and in detail, and fails to ascertain whether all of what he says is true." I have not saw this letter myself, though.


*40:The word Cafre was used by the Portuguese at the time to refer to black people. This word is translated as "black slave" in some of conventional Japanese translations, but we can daresay it is a mistranslation because the word Cafre itself does not bear the meaning of slave.


*42:Sakai was very close to Kyoto. Until around the seventh century, the Imperial Court moved the capital every time there was a new emperor, but when the capital was moved to Heian-kyo (平安京), a new capital built in Yamashiro Province in 794 (Enryaku 13), they took root and the city came to be called Kyoto. Although devastated by repeated wars, Kyoto at that time was still one of the largest cities in Japan.


*44:Frois might have been looking for ways to self-finance their activities in the field. Throughout the Sengoku period, the Japanese branch of the Society of Jesus was in severe financial difficulties.The reports Frois sent to the headquarters of the Jesuits, therefore, tended to exaggerate things in order to seek more supports from the headquarters. This factor necessitates us to think their connections with local dignitaries and successful missionary works described in Jesuits historical materials were often overstated.


*46:Although Nobunaga was a warlord and not a court noble, he acted as a protector of the Imperial Court and was given an official rank in the Imperial Court. At that time, his official rank was Senior Second Rank (正ニ位 sho ni-i), which was the same as that of successive shoguns and indicated Nobunaga's status as the ruler of the country. The official rank system continued into modern times, and in the pre-WW2 Japanese, the Prime Minister, the Army field marshal, and the navy marshal admiral were given the rank of Senior Second Rank. Even today, many of Prime Mnisters has been posthumously conferred this rank.  Other than this rank, Nobunaga held the Imperial Court posts of “Minister of the Right” (右大臣 udaijin) and “major captain of the right division of the Inner palace guards”  (右近衛大将 ukone-no-daisho), but he resigned both posts in 1578 for some reason. It remains complete mysteries why he regisnated and what post he intended to hold in the future to grasp the administration.


*48:Almost all of today’s famous and admired warriors (武士 bushi), like Nobunaga and Hideyoshi, were warrior lords (busho). For this reason, some modern people misunderstand that bushi, or samurai, means the same status as warrior lord. But in reality, there were only a handful warriors who had so high a status as warrior lord. In contrast to a warrior lord who held a large territory and led thousands of troops, many of ordinary warriors had to fight as an individual combatant, with only a few servants in tow.


*50:In this year, the allied forces of the Oda clan and the Tokugawa clan destroyed the Takeda clan, which had long been their archenemy. The main force of the Oda army was the corps of Nobunaga's eldest son, Nobutada. Nobutada was formally handed over the reigns of the Oda clan by his father in 1775, and was one of the commanders of the six major corps of the Oda army at this time. Nobunaga went to this campaign technically as the the highest commander, but he remained behind the front lines.


*52:Six shaku and two bu equals 182.42406 centimeters, which is about six feet. For your information, the height of Japanese men in the Sengoku period averaged about 155 centimeters. The Europeans at the same time averaged about the same, too. However, warriors were generally taller than ordinary people because they were better nourished. The height of Oda Nobunaga, for example, was supposedly about 170 centimeters. But to return to the height of Yasuke, this data provided by Ietada feels unnaturally precise. It would have certainly been difficult for Ietada, in such a situation, to measure Yasuke's exact height. There are two plausible theories about this number. One is that six shaku two bu might have been a kind of conventional phrase which came from the height of Musashibo-Benkei, a very famous monk warrior, which was often described as six shaku two bu. This theory implies that Ietada might have associated Yasuke with Benkei when he saw him, making the phrase a kind of epithet rather than objective data. Admittedly, though, it is difficult to judge the validity of such a guess from the context. The other theory is that the length of the “kenchi-zao,” literally the measuring stick for land survey, in Ietada's territory at that time, might have been six shaku two bu, and that Ietada estimated Yasuke’s height as about the same with it. However, the length of the kenchi-zao varied considerably depending on the era or the region, which do not help this theory.


*54:The year of Ota Gyuichi's death is unclear, but according to professor Kaneko it was probably 1613 (18th of Keicho). The reason is that he continued to be a very productive writer even in his old age, but after that year we have no record of it. His descendants split into two families, and served the Maeda clan who ruled Kaga Domain and the Aoki clan who ruled Settsu-Asada Domain, respectively.


*56:As for the Supplemented Ietada Nikki (“Ietada Nikki Zoho Tsuika”), I have confirmed it with two versions of hand copies, one owned by the former Home Ministry and one owned by the library of Waseda University. In both of the copies, the next entry of the 18th of 4th month jumps to 21 of 5th month. The relevant parts are No. 3, 44/102 in the former copy and 13/104 in the latter. As for "Shinkun Gonenpu," I have confirmed it with the hand copy owned by Ibaraki University Library, and the next entry of 18th of 4th month jumps to 5th month. The relevant part is 38/108.



*59:The Sonkeikaku copy and Ietada Nikki have a difference as to what Kanji characters they use for the name Yasuke. In the former, Yasuke is 弥"助", which is also the way we usually write his name today, but in the latter, it is 弥"介." In premodern Japan, such fluctuations in Kanji writing themselves were pretty common. However, when I asked Professor Hirayama about it, he replied that if the hypothetical person who added the passage to the Sonkeikaku copy actually could have directly read Ietada Nikki, such a fluctuation could not have happened.

*60:The Ikeda autograph copy of “Shincho-Ki” was written by Ota Gyuichi in his own hand, and historians highly regard its reliability. However, Gyuichi wrote this copy in his old age in response to a request from the Ikeda family, and in fact, the achievements of Ikeda Terumasa, a feudal lord, were slightly exaggerated compared to the other copies. But, I find it impossble to discover similar relationship between the Sonkeikaku copy and Yasuke. I will show you just one of the major additions made for the Ikeda family here. It is a passage in volume 13 that reads “I (Terumasa) am deeply grateful for the letter of commendation, which is an honor that will last for generations of my family to come,” which describes how Ikeda Terumasa distinguished himself in the Battle of Hanakuma Castle in Settsu province on the 2nd of leap 3rd month in 8th Tensho (1580). I’d like to say one more thing in passing. The Sokeikaku copy also shares this passage. The fact that the relatively new Ikeda copy and the Sonkeikaku copy have similarity is a nonnegligible contradicttion to Professor Kaneko’s theory that the latter was transcribed from Gyuichi's manuscript with the original trivialities. On the other hand, though, it is also true that the differences between the Ikeda copy and the Sokeikaku copy are very large in terms of minor wording. I have to say, at this moment, the relationship between the two copies is still not clear for us.

*61:In the original text, it is referred to as chugen (中間), and in this article, mid-servant is used for chugen.


*63:He was at Junior Third Rank (従三位) in imperial rank system, and Lieutenant General of the Left Division of Inner Palace Guards (左近衛中将).


*65:According to Shincho-ki, Nobunaga brought only 20 to 30 pages (御小姓衆 Okosho-syu; o = honorific, kosho = page, syu = group) from Azuchi, his home castle, to Kyoto. The total number might have been a little larger if we count in unmentioned household servants, but it would still be a small group. According to historian Katsuhiro Taniguchi, the total number of the escort who fought with Nobunaga at Honno-ji was only about 50 to 60 men, the core of which was his pages. This number includes household servants, who were essentially non-combatants. It was rare but not unheard-of for them to join the battle in an emergency, though, and this was such a case.


*67:Richard Cox, the chief of British merchant house in Hirado, recorded in his diary that there were many black people in Nagasaki at the time. For example, in his diary, a man named Antonio appears. Antonio was originally owned by Matsuura Takanobu, the lord of Hirado fiefdom, and was fluent in Japanese and Portuguese, but he stayed at the British trading house after he was freed. According to his diary in November 1617, a Spaniard from Manila offered to buy Antonio for a large sum of money. Although most of such records are from around Nagasaki, a trading port, the “Zoku Mumyōshō” (a book in the Okanishi Ichu’s series of essay) contains a record of a “Kurobō” in the Inaba Shikano Domain around 1607. It seems that a feudal lord Kamei brought him back from the Korean invasion. According to "Vocabulário da Língua do Japão" (the Japanese-Portuguese dictionary compiled by the Jesuits at the time), the Japanese word “Curobō” meant “Cafre”, so I think this was a black person, but the details are unknown.


*69:This was a onesided view of the Jestuits and not true. In the Jesuit reports, Nobunaga was described as an atheist without any faith, but in reality he was associated to traditional Japanese religions. Historian Taniguchi highlightes in his book a scene in a historical record that an adjutant (近習 kin-ju) of the Oda clan scolded a vassal who neglected to repair a shrine. That being said, it is very true that Buddhists were among the forces that Nobunaga fiercely fought against.


*71:Akechi Mitsuhide is very famous for his half-succeeded attempt to overthrow Nobunaga. However, in the Sengoku period, betrayal by vassals was a daily occurrence. Nobunaga, too, was often betrayed by his vassals, and that makes Mitsuhide a not-so-particularly despicable person. Mitsuhide was originally a low-ranking vassal of the Muromachi shogunate, and when Nobunaga went to Kyoto and took the position of the guardian of the shogunate, he was practically incorporated into the chain of command of the Oda clan even though he was still a vassal of the shogunate formally. But when Nobunaga broke off with Shogun Ashikaga Yoshiaki, Mitsuhide actually took the side of the Oda clan, and since then he was promoted in the Oda clan. There are various theories as to why he betrayed Nobunaga, such as the theory of a grudge for being scolded by Nobunaga, the theory of hidden loyalty to the shogunate, the theory that he had an ambition to rule whole country from the beginning, and even conspiracy theories that feature a mastermind like the Imperial Court or the Society of Jesus. But all of them have little basis. Professor Goza believes that Mitsuhide did it on the spur of the moment. Nobunaga and Nobutada made the crucial mistake of gathering in the same place at the same time without an army, and Mitsuhide got to find it out by chance, since he happend to be in Tanba, a nearby region.


*73:After the succession of power, Hideyoshi approached the Imperial Court and was appointed the Grand Chancellor of the Realm (太政大臣 daijo-daijin) in 1586 (14th of Tensho). In the same year, Emperor Ogimachi gave him the lineage name of Toyotomi. At this point Hideyoshi, who was at the pinnacle of power, was utterly unstoppable, and it was not long before he unified entire Japan. After the unification in 1590 (18th of Tensho), Hideyoshi became obsessed with delusions of grandeur and aimed to invade foreign countries. He invaded Korea in 1592. Even with the second attempt in 1597, there was little to gain. When Hideyoshi died in 1598 (3rd of Keicho), the Japanese army, which had little will to fight, withdrew from the Korean Peninsula. The power of the Toyotomi clan, which Hideyoshi had built in one generation, was not perfectly solid, and Tokugawa Ieyasu became the next supreme power and established the Tokugawa shogunate.

*74:この弥助を洗わせたという内容の記述が1710年にリスボンで出版された『Oriente conquistado a Jesu Christo pelos Padres da Companhia de Jesus』という著作にもほとんど同じ文面で登場する。この二つの書物の奇妙な符合は、二人の著者が同じ内容の報告書簡を別の場所別のタイミングで参照した可能性を示唆しているのかもしれない。当時イエズス会は同じ内容の報告書簡を最低でも三つ作成し一通はマカオで保管、他はヨーロッパへ送信していた。

*75:This description of washing Yasuke appears almost in the same expression in “Oriente conquistado a Jesu Christo pelos Padres da Companhia de Jesus,” a book published in Lisbon in 1710. This curious consistency of two books may suggest that the two authors may have referred to a report letter of the same content in different places and times. The Jesuits at that time wrote at least three report letters of the same content, one of which was kept in Macau, and the others were sent to Europe.


*77:After Nobunaga's death, his successor Hideyoshi also kept the stance of tolerating Christianity for a while, but he declared banishment of missionaries and prohibition of trade with the West in 1587. However, this so-called "Bateren edict" (Bateren = a phonetic transcription of Padre) was incomplete, and in fact, evangelistic activities of the Jesuits and trade with the West continued. The Japanese branch of the Society of Jesus was still active even when the Dutch merchant ship Liefde with William Adams on board washed ashore in 1600. But, soon after that, when Christian orders other than the Jesuits, such as Dominicans, the Augustinians, and the Franciscans, began to propagate Christianity in Japan, things have changed. The newly established Tokugawa Shogunate (徳川幕府 tokugawa-bakufu), the last warrior government in history, gradually hardened its stance against Christianity. Finally, in 1613, the Shogunate declared severe banning of Christianity on a nationwide scale, and began destroying churches and expelling missionaries. In 1637, the Christians in Shimabara and Amakusa areas staged a large-scale rebellion. The Shogunate mobilized a large force of 120,000 troops and exterminated the Christians, including non-combatants, by any means such as naval bombardment from a Dutch armed merchant ship. A mere small number of Christians who organized underground groups survived thereafter. It was in 1859 that the Shogunate permitted again Christian propagation.


*79:The Tokugawa shogunate stipulated in detail the number of soldiers to be mobilized in wartime according to the amount of kokudaka and assigned to eash warriors. In the lifetime of Nobunaga, though,  such an objective standards were yet to be established in the Oda clan. That meant it had disastrous consequences when Nobunaga thought a vassal's military performance was poor for the size of his fief. In fact, even though Sakuma Nobumori was one of the Oda clan's elder vassals and one of the six major corps commanders of the Oda army, he was expelled by Nobunaga in 1580, seemingly because he did not live up to Nobunaga's expectations. It was Akechi Mitsuhide who took over his corps.


*81:Among those who died in the Honnoji Incident with Nobunaga was a retainer named Yashiro Shosuke, who was an equestrian. Shincho-ki tells us that Yashiro, Tomo Shorin, and Murata Kichigo fought in the stable. By the way, "Hoan Shinchoki," a popular version of Shincho-ki, depicts a scene in which an Akechi's soldier said to Yashiro,“You are different from the others, run away,” but Yashiro scoffed at that and fought to his death in the battle. "Hoan Shinchoki" is a historical material with credibility problems, so we cannot take it literally, but if it was true, it means that Yashiro, who was not a combatant, chose to fight even though he had the right to be overlooked.


*83:In fact, there were many survivors of the Honnoji Incident other than Yasuke. For example, His Highness Prince Masahito, officials and court ladies of his court, women who accompanied Nobunaga, and the monks of the temple. But it is also true that most of the Oda clan vassals who took part in the incident died. The few exceptions who ran away was Sadamichi Inaba, Mizuno Tadashige, and Oda Nagamasu (also known as Urakusai). In particular the last one, Nagamasu, who escaped and survived despite being Nobunaga's younger brother, came under heavy criticism. Historian Yasuhiro Wada describes these three as having 'tarnished their reputation as a warrior lord.'


*85:Warriors (武士 bushi) did not necessarily have his own fief. In the Early Modern period, in the case of various Domains, they were called foot warriors (徒士 kachi), and in the case of direct employment of the Tokugawa shognate, they were called household vassals (御家人 gokenin). They were treated lower than higher-ranking warriors such as mounted warriors (上士 joshi) or bannerguards (旗本 hatamoto) in terms of the posts they could hold and the etiquette they were expected to follow. These higher-ranking warriors basically had the privilages such as to ride horse, to be able to have audience with his lord, and to have his own enfeoffment. In contrast, foot warriors (kachi) were often not allowed to ride horses nor had the audience with his lord, and they received a kuramai (蔵米 rice of storehouse, stipend), not a fief. However, even though foot warriors (kachi) were lower than mounted warriors (joshi), they were warriors (武士 bushi) nontheless. Which meant they had “the status of warrior” (士分 shibun), which was the  hereditary rights to serve as a retainer to his lord, bear a surname, and wear two swords. In the Tokugawa shogunate, the dividing line between the two was that bannerguards had the status of audience. For this reason, it was not unheard of for a very poor stipend receiver to join the bannergurads for getting stats of audience.


*87:Toyotomi Hideyoshi is known to have had many otogisyu. Oze hoan's “Hoan Taiko Ki” (Chronicles of Toyotomi Hideyoshi by Hoan) describes that Hideyoshi had 800 otogisyu, and although the accuracy of this number is questionable, he did seem to had many. One of the characteristics of Hideyoshi's otogisyu was that many of them were from prestigious families, such as former feudal lords who had fallen from grace. For example, among them were Ashikaga Yoshiaki, who was the last shogun of the Muromachi period, and Oda Nagamasa, who was Nobunaga's younger brother and who fled and survived the Honnoji Incident.


*89:On this “beast” remark, we might suspect that, considering the said remark was recorded by a missionary, the word “beast” might have come from the missionaries' ideas on Yasuke. Professor Oka suggests that the relationship between Yasuke and his former master, the Jesuits, might have deteriorated after he became a retainer of Nobunaga. Professor Oka points out the fact that some Japanese people who once joined the Jesuits but left the order have since been described in abusive terms in Jesuit records.


*91:In reality, bushi and knights have quite a few differences. For example, in the Sengoku period in Japan, it was common practice to dismount during battle even if they were mounted warriors. Also, the biggest difference between Japanese and Western feudalism is that in Japan, the ancient political authority, the Imperial Court, continued to exist.


*93:The two most common types of household servants were the mid-servant (中間 chugen) and menials (小者 komono). The menials were low-ranking servants for miscellaneous works, and they were not subject to military service because they were merely personal servants of individual warriors. Mid-servant, whose name derives from their position between the menials and infantrymen (足軽 ashigaru), were the same with menials in that they were non-combatants who take care of their lord, but were a rank higher than menials.


*95:The following is an example of this point, a notification about the marching when Tokugawa Hidetada went to Kyoto in 1623 (9th of Genna): “As for the entourage on foot who are to accompany a mounted troop on the march, you may bring along two horsemen, one shoe-bearer, one sandal-bearer, and one spear-bearer (one spear). Other than that, you may bring along a wakato.” As we can see, although it lists a wakato (若党 esquire)  alongside household servants, what equipment he carry is not specified.


*97:Ichiki-ori (ichi = one, ki = season, ori = stay; seasonal servant) meant servants employed with a single-year contract, or the practice of employing a servant for only a year, and warrior households in the Early Modern period secured servants by employing townspeople and peasants in this manner. Although at first glance the text of these laws may seem as prohibiting the hiring of temporal servants, technically the term “ichiki-nin” in these laws referred to “ikkino ronin,” any former servants whose employment period had expired. Supposedly they would return to their original places when their contracts expired, but in reality they remained in urban areas, causing social problems such as urban overcrowding and deterioration of public safety. The intention of the shogunate in prohibiting seasonal servants was to return them to the rural areas in order to secure agricultural population, but the effect was doubtful at best, given so many number of laws enacted with almost identical wording.


*99:On the other hand, samurai sometimes fell to the rank of common soldier. In The Story of Common Soldiers, a coolie person called Umazo explains how to handle army provisions during being besieged, and tells his story that he was originally a samurai but fell to a peasant.




*103:Arashiko was a kind of lowest-ranking servants who are in charge of rough work.

*104:This statute enacted by Hideyoshi in Tensho 19 covered entire Japan. We know of that because documents remained in the families of feudal lords in various regions of Japan. In the past, historians interpreted this statute as prohibition of trespassing the lines of social caste, such as samurai (warrior), townspeople and peasants, and referred to it as the “social status control edict.” Professor Takagi's study overturned this conventional theory and marked a turning point in the study of the class system in premodern Japan.

*105:The ratio of non-combatants in Japanese armies in this period is much higher than we might imagine.  Professor Takagi illustrated this point using a military mobilization plan of the Maebashi Domain from the early 18th century. According to this plan, the army of Sakai clan, who boasted its Domain’s rice production of 125,000 koku, consisted of a total of approximately 5,880 soldiers and 930 horses. Its breakdown was as follows: 350 mounted warriors, 200 foot warriors, 1,050 infantrymen, 300 household servants, 1,800 vavasours (servants of mounted warriors, etc.), 1,200 coolies, 570 horsemen, and others (craftsmen, doctors, priests, kitchen staff, etc.), plus 360 riding horses and 570 packhorses. As we can see, the total number of warriors and infantrymen, who were the combatants, was only 1,600. However, this list does not include esquires (若党 wakato). They were retainers of individual warriors, and as they were, from the viewpoint of feudal lords,  vavasours (retainers of a retainer), they were included in the “vavasours” part of this list. Professor Takagi estimates that, among the 1,800 vavasours, the number of esquires would have been roughly the same with warriors, but even in that case, the number of combatants would only be a little over 2,000, or about one third of the total.



*108:Judging from his name with a nickname “the pikeman” (長柄 pike), he is probably a fictional character. Other than him, for example, in the Story of Common Soldiers, there is a conversational scene between “Arrow-zaemon the arrow bearer” and “Arrow-uemon.”

*109:According to another mobilization plan of the Sakai clan around 1840, each ashigaru unit, with only one type of weapon, included one warrior (who seems to be the commander), the warrior’s servants, and one kogashira. I suspect from this setup that the position of kogashira was a kind of sergeant in modern armies, but it is only my speculation without much evidence.


*111:When the Jesuits came to Japan to spread Christianity, they chose to piggyback on the network of Portuguese traders who had trading connections with Japan at the time. For this reason, the headquarters of the Jesuits chose missionaries who could speak Portuguese, and translations into other European languages were made via Portuguese translation.


*113:The Vocabvlario da Lingoa de Iapam is an important historical document not only for historians but also for Japanese linguists. This dictionary records the pronunciation of Japanese at the time using the alphabet, and that makes it an extremely valuable historical document for examining the differences in pronunciations between the late Middle Age Japanese and modern Japanese.


*115:In the Middle Ages, whose legal principe was essentiallly that of self-help, it was just a common sense that even rural peasant communities armed themselves for self-defense. It is highly likely that it was these armed local people who killed Akechi Mitsuhide, by the way. Toyotomi Hideyoshi issued the famous order of “sword banning” in 1588, which almost unconditionally deprived the right to arm oneself for all classes except the warrior class.


*117:Academic historians believed, in the past, that common soldiers in the Sengoku period were merely conscripted peasants, and that this historical document is an evidence of that. However, there are only a few historical documents that seem to be conscription orders, and all of them make excuses that they are just an emergency measure, like this one. In reality, recruiting peasants as combatants was very rare. The armies at this period were made up from the following: warriors (bushi), who were professionals of war; their servants; and infantrymen, who were mercenaries the warriors recruited. The conscripted peasants merely served as a part of luggage train. This fact is  consistent with the timing of this conscription order, when the Go-Hojo clan was desperately preparing for the coming war with Toyotomi Hideyoshi, who was within the reach of unification of entire Japan. Nishimata Sosei, a historian well-versed in military history and known for his research into castle architecture, explains that by using these peasant militia to defend the clan's rear bases, the Go-Hojo clan were able to make effective use of their main military force. The Go-Hojo clan fought against Hideyoshi with every means possible, but Hojo Ujinao, the head of the Go-Hojo clan, surrendered at Odawara Castle on July 5th, 1590 (4th of 8th month, Tensho 18). Shortly after that, Hideyoshi unified Japan.